trade show

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: December 8, 2024

This week, we’ve got a number of webinars, on topics from 3D printing software and medical applications to printed electronics, PVC for industrial 3D printing, and more. There are also…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: September 22, 2024

There’s lots to choose from in this week’s 3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup! Stratasys continues its North American tour, as well as its in-person training classes, and HP will…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: June 16, 2024

In this week’s roundup, we’ve got plenty of in-person 3D printing events, including PowderMet2024, Manufacturing World Tokyo, and a few Demo Days and tours. Stratasys continues its advanced training courses,…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: April 7, 2024

Webinars and events in the 3D printing industry are picking back up this week! Sea-Air-Space is coming to Maryland, and SAE International is sponsoring a 3D Systems webinar about 3D…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: March 24, 2024

We’ve got a very busy week of webinars and events, starting with Global Industrie Paris and a members-only roundtable for AM Coalition. Stratasys will continue its advanced in-person training and…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: March 3, 2024

In this week’s roundup, we have a lot of events taking place, including SPE’s ANTEC 2024, Futurebuild, the AAOP Annual Meeting, JEC World, and more. Stratasys continues its training courses,…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: February 4, 2024

It’s going to be another exciting week of 3D printing webinars and events, starting with our own Additive Manufacturing Strategies in New York City! Speaking of events, AMUG is holding…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: January 28, 2024

It’s another busy week of 3D printing industry webinars and events! Stratasys continues its advanced training, while Nexa3D and Headmade Materials will discuss ColdMetalFusion in a webinar. 3DHEALS is hosting…

New Modular Concrete 3D Printer Unveiled by RIC

In a move set to shake-up the additive construction (AC) landscape, RIC Technology has launched the RIC-M1 PRO concrete 3D printer at World of Concrete 2024. RIC promises that its…

3D Printing News Briefs, December 2, 2023: Metal Powder, Additive Construction, & More

We’re kicking things off with business in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, as Mintek, South Africa’s national mineral research organization, has acquired an AMAZEMET machine. Then we move on to…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: November 5, 2023

Happy Formnext week! But don’t worry, if you can’t make it to Germany this week, there are still several other in-person and online webinar and event options in the industry….

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: October 15, 2023

It’s another busy week of events and webinars in the 3D printing industry! Stratasys and 3D Systems continue their roadshows, Velo3D is holding a summit, and the Fakuma International Trade…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: October 8, 2023

No matter where you are in the world this week, from Ohio, Minnesota, and California in the U.S. to Budapest, Italy, Moravia, or just on your computer at home, there’s…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: October 1, 2023

Things are slowing down a little this week, but there are still plenty of events and webinars to attend in the additive manufacturing industry! Stratasys, and 3D Systems continue their…

Insights from the MGA 2023 Annual Meeting: US Army 3D Prints Cannon Part with Velo3D Machine

Mobility | Medical goes Additive (MGA) serves as a robust network committed to industrializing additive manufacturing (AM). Bringing together a diverse array of firms—including Siemens, 3D Systems, 3YOURMIND, Alstom, Arburg,…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: August 27, 2023

In this week’s 3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup, both Stratasys and 3D Systems continue their tours, SprintRay will hold a webinar on removable dentures, HP is sponsoring a webinar…

3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: June 4, 2023

In this week’s roundup, Stratasys has a few stops on its road trip, and TCT 3Sixty is taking place in Birmingham. There are also webinars about automotive 3D printing, electron…

3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: May 14, 2023

It’s another busy week of webinars and events! The Additive Manufacturing Coalition is having its first Fly-In, and Velo3D is taking its roadshow to the UK, while Creat3D is holding…

3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: May 7, 2023

We’ve got plenty of in-person and virtual events to tell you about in this week’s roundup, along with webinars on everything from 3D printed eyewear and automated resin removal to…

3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: April 16, 2023

We’ve got a busy week of in-person events around the globe, with COExperience in Florida, Hannover Messe in Germany, the UK Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expo, and several more. Xometry…

Formnext 2022, Day Three: Fleet Footed

My feet feel like they’ve been put in a blender and then repeatedly slammed by a door. How did humans cope with standing so much before we invented desks? I…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: November 6, 2022

This week, we’ll tell you about webinars on bioinks, a next-gen SLS material, advanced ceramic coatings, additive manufacturing in space applications, and more. As for events, there are plenty of…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: September 25, 2022

We’ve got a busy week of 3D printing webinars and events ahead! Nanoscribe is attending the Biofabrication Conference, Stratasys, Velo3D, and Markforged continue their tours, and Formlabs will hold a…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: June 26, 2022

Events for this week have already started, like the ISTE Live conference for technology in education down in New Orleans. Stratasys continues its Experience Tour in Ohio, Divide by Zero…