3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: March 3, 2024


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In this week’s roundup, we have a lot of events taking place, including SPE’s ANTEC 2024, Futurebuild, the AAOP Annual Meeting, JEC World, and more. Stratasys continues its training courses, Solid Print3D is hosting a workshop for post-processing solutions, and the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing is offering a seminar on 3D printing for fashion and jewelry. For the details on these and other offerings, read on!

3D Printing News Unpeeled

Our Executive Editor Joris Peels, who’s also the Vice President of Consulting at Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR), offers a news livestream one to two times a week called 3D Printing News Unpeeled at 9:30 am EST. For each episode, Peels gets on LinkedIn Live and tells us, in 20 minutes or less, what he considers to be the top news stories from the 3D printing industry that week, and why they’re important. Some of the stories in his roundup are ones we’ve covered at 3DPrint.com, and some are not, but they are all equally interesting and impactful!

March 3 – 7: TMS 2024

In Orlando, Florida from March 3-7, the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is having its Annual Meeting & Exhibition. The organization covers all of materials and engineering, from minerals processing to primary metals production, connecting, metals, minerals, and other materials scientists and engineers who work in academia, industry, and government around the globe. Programming at TMS 2024 will include poster sessions and invited keynote sessions, networking and social events, a full exhibit, and more than 70 symposia in over 12 technical tracks. There are 13 symposia specifically focused on additive manufacturing topics, and featured speakers in the Additive Manufacturing Keynote Session on March 4th include Chase Cox, MELD Manufacturing Corporation, and Cindy Waters, Naval Surface Warfare Research Center Carderock Division.

“The TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition brings together more than 4,000 engineers, scientists, business leaders, and other professionals in the minerals, metals, and materials fields for a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary exchange of technical knowledge.”

You can register for TMS 2024 here.

March 3 – 10 & 8 – 17: Costco Wholesale Roadshow with FitMyFoot

Custom 3D printed insoles and sandals from FitMyFoot (FMF) are being featured at Costco warehouses across the Pacific Northwest, Los Angeles, and Southwest regions for another few weeks! These Wholesale Roadshows are staffed by FMF personnel who can help members with the foot scanning process at the stores. The FMF products are special order at the Costco Roadshows, and members will receive their custom product within two weeks. Today is the last day FMF will be at the Woodinville store in Washington, and personnel will be at the Costco in Tustin, California through March 10th. FMF then heads to the Seattle, Washington Costco from March 8th through the 17th.

“Come visit us and one of our specialists will get you set up with 3D printed Custom Insoles made for your feet.”

If members don’t feel like coming to the warehouse, they can also scan their feet at home using the FMF app, and order their 3D printed insoles and sandals that way.

March 4 – 7: Stratasys Continues Advanced Training

Stratasys continues its advanced training courses in the U.S. and EMEA with three different in-person courses at its Eden Prairie, Minnesota facility. From March 4-6, training in “PolyJet Advanced Operations” will be offered, and training in “SAF Advanced Operations” will be held March 5-6. Finally, the “FDM Advanced Insight and File Preparation” training will be held March 5-7.

“Check out the latest class schedule for all of our 3D printing platforms!”

To register for any of these courses, email training.us@stratasys.com. They will also be held in later months this year.

March 4 – 7: SPE’s ANTEC 2024

In St. Louis, Missouri from March 4-7, SPE is holding its annual technical conference, ANTEC 2024, an event focused on the latest advances in academic, laboratory, industrial, and international work focused on plastics and polymer science. There are plenty of networking events, including a reception at the St. Louis Blues Museum and Student Posters & Lunch, and many technical sessions featuring speakers who will address a variety of topics, including biocomposites, injection molding, the circular economy, recycling and AI in polymer processing, 3D printing, and more. Plenary speakers will discuss the future of plastics by exploring sustainable growth, machine learning, and innovative polymer design.

“At ANTEC®, there are multiple opportunities to spend time with colleagues at SPE-hosted meetings, receptions, an Honors and Awards Luncheon, and additional SPE Chapter networking events.”

You can register for ANTEC 2024 here.

March 5 – 7: The Future of the Built Environment

A respected conference and exhibition for the built environment, Futurebuild 2024 will be held in London this week, March 4-7, to continue its mission of taking a stand for a better built environment. The event will include seminars about materials, energy, buildings, and more, along with the FutureX Stage and the new National Retrofit Conference. There are eight sections, including Digital, Materials, Retrofit, Buildings, Energy, and more, and each one addresses crucial challenges in the built environment. Presentation topics include artificial intelligence, 3D printing, the circular economy, sustainability, and much more.

“Futurebuild exists for you to discover innovative solutions, inspiring ideas, share knowledge and drive sustainable construction at all levels.

“How? By connecting you with hundreds of leading suppliers, thousands of industry professionals, and the latest innovations in the built environment.”

You can register for Futurebuild here.

March 5 – 7: DRIVE AM Introduction to Industrial Additive Manufacturing

The W.M. Keck Center For 3D Innovation at UTEP continues its DRIVE AM training courses with a virtual offering, “Introduction to Industrial Additive Manufacturing,” from 9 am until 4 pm EST March 5-7. Attendees will identify the seven process categories of AM, understand the full AM workflow, learn the technology’s limitations and benefits, recognize variables in the material extrusion and laser powder bed fusion process chains that impact the quality of a final part, understand the basics of reverse engineering and 3D scanning, and more.

“The DRIVE AM program trains at three levels of proficiency, each targeting soldiers, technicians, operators, engineers, DoD support personnel, personnel transitioning from the military, or veterans that are (1) in active roles in the military or DoD, or (2) in support of DoD through the defense manufacturing supply chain (including new AM-focused businesses created as a result of DRIVE AM and DRIVE 3D).”

You can register for the course here. It is provided through DRIVE AM funding, and there is no fee for DoD participants.

March 5 – 7: JEC World 2024

Also from March 5-7, JEC World will take place in Paris, France. Organized by JEC Composites, this is the leading international composites trade show, annually gathering the entire value chain of the composite materials industry. Major global companies and innovative startups alike, as well as academics, R&D leaders, scientists, and other materials experts, meet to show the world what composite materials can offer to a variety of applications sectors, including marine, aerospace, automotive, and construction. Several AM industry companies, including Massivit, Arkema, Caracol, CEAD, and Dassault Systèmes, will be exhibiting at this event.

“Featuring ground-breaking solutions, unique manufacturing and business opportunities, JEC World is a networking hub of creativity, vision and action. It shows how composite materials push the limits of your projects and ambitions.”

You can register for the trade show here.

March 5: Solid Print3D Post-Processing Workshop

Join Solid Print3D for a workshop on Tuesday, March 5th all about “Transforming Your 3D Printed Parts for End Use” with solutions from AMT PostPro and Formlabs. The workshop, which will be held at AMT PostPro’s Sheffield location from 11 am until 3 pm GMT, will feature the SFX vapor smoothing system from AMT and the Formlabs Fuse 1+. Attendees will get to see live demos and the resulting parts, enjoy break-out sessions on both depowdering and vapor smoothing, speak with technical experts from both Formlabs and AMT, and more.

“Discover the value-add and benefits of post-processing in additive manufacture – transforming 3D printed parts for end-use.”

You can register for the workshop here.

March 6 – 9: AAOP Annual Meeting 

The Academy Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium has long been at the center of orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) continuing education, connection, and community, and thousands of academics, researchers, practitioners, and industry partners will gather at the 50th AAOP Annual Meeting from March 6-9 in Chicago, Illinois. Attendees will explore trending and emerging topics that impact O&P patient care, and learn about new strategies and solutions, through product display showcases, 18 deep dive clinical sessions, poster presentations, 45 technical workshops, strategic networking opportunities, and more. HP is sponsoring a technical workshop about “Comparing Test Results with Additive Manufacturing and Conventionally Manufactured Sockets” at 2:20 pm CT on Wednesday the 6th, and some familiar AM industry names will be exhibiting as well.

“AAOP2024 is a four-day experience, bringing the O&P profession together from all parts of the world to learn from subject matter experts and one another. Meet face-to-face with longtime colleagues and make new connections from which you can grow and develop.”

You can register for AAOP 2024 here.

March 6: 3D Printing for Fashion & Jewelry Seminar

From 9 am until 5 pm SGT on Wednesday, March 6th, the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is offering a seminar on “3D Printing for Fashion & Jewellry,” held at the Innovis research institute. Several experts will present on a variety of topics during the day, including direct-to-textile 3D printing fashion designs, sustainable 3D printing design, how technology is transforming jewelry manufacturing, and more.

“The ‘3D Printing for Fashion & Jewellery’ seminar organised by the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing will exchange ideas, experiences and successful case studies within the fashion and jewellery industries to enable the establishment of a 3D printing hub to support design activities in Singapore.”

You can register for the seminar here.

March 9 – 10: ASTM Certificate Course at AMUG 2024

Finally, just before AMUG 2024 starts in Chicago, ASTM International’s AM Center of Excellence is holding a Certificate Course on “Methods of Qualification & Certification for Additive Manufacturing” from March 9-10, also in Chicago. The training course is based on both ASTM and ISO standards, and is aimed at intermediate to advanced users who are currently using, or plan to use, AM in serial or critical applications. Rather than a series of lectures, the experienced instructors will offer discussions and mini-workshops, share real-life best practices, and give attendees plenty of chances to ask questions. Participants will receive the ASTM AM Quality Assurance Certificate after completion, and an exam will be held online two weeks after the course.

“This course covers the requirements and routes to validation for metal additive manufacturing parts produced by powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition manufacturing processes.  This course will leverage recent case studies from the PBF and DED world to provide context for Structural Integrity challenges and opportunities.”

You can register for the course here.

Do you have news to share about any future webinars or virtual and live events? Please let us know!

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