Whitney Hipolite

Employee Creates an Amazing 3D Printed Electronic Business Card Holder for Boss

One thing that I absolutely love about the 3D printing space and attending various shows such as CES and Inside 3D Printing Conferences, is the fact that I get to…

Richard Swika Unleashes the Controversial 3D Printed ‘Sexy Jello Wrestling’ Collection

When it comes to 3D printing, virtually anything goes. Whether it be a ‘mini me’ of one’s self, a functional prosthetic hand, or even something as controversial as a firearm…

MakerBot Fans Rejoice! The 3D Printed Smart ‘Ink Extruder’ is Here!

There has been a lot said about the MakerBot Smart Extruder recently. Some people love it while others are less fond of it. Regardless though, MakerBot is making a lot…

Cheapest, Best & Most Reliable Desktop 3D Printers — 3DPrint’s 2015 Buyers Guide

It’s rather crazy how many emails we receive on a daily basis asking us to suggest a 3D printer for a particular use. There are literally hundreds of different machines…

You Can Now 3D Print a Working Pair of Plastic Scissors

I remember back to my 2nd grade art class, when our teacher would hand out plastic scissors to all the students for certain craft projects. These scissors were honestly pieces…

Japanese Company 3D Prints ‘MAYUPO’ – The Worlds ‘Cutest’ Female Robot Companion

The future of robotics is one which many people love to dream about. This has been going on for decades, as we move closer and closer to a day when…

One Cat Can Rest Easy Again, Thanks to This 3D Printed Automatic Cat Feeder

3D printing really lends itself to those individuals with creative minds. I’m talking about people who have the ability to come up with an idea, put it on paper, and…

Siberian Scientist Creates an Amazing 3D Printed Electric Violin

Music dates back to the beginning of human times, bringing joy to the ears of individuals and entire cultures all around the globe, creating camaraderie among strangers, and uplifting the…

NinjaFlex Teams with 3DShare For New 3D Design Competition – Enter Now!

The usefulness of 3D printed objects is something that has evolved through its infancy and nothing has driven this faster than the advent of new materials to print with. The…

Chinese Doctors Complete Extremely Difficult Wrist Surgery Thanks to 3D Printing

3D printing is beginning to really prove itself as an operating room tool in hospitals around the globe. So far it has only caught on in a small percentage of hospitals…

Chinese Man 3D Prints Entire Functioning Bicycle Out of Plastic

We’ve seen a lot of unique 3D printed products emerge from the world’s most populated nation, China. They seem to have their hands in everything when it comes ot trying…

The Detail on This Tiny 3-Inch-Long 3D Printed Ship Will Amaze You

When we talk about 3D printing, one of the first benefits of the technology that most people will bring up is its ability to create completely custom objects. We aren’t…

Chinese Company Unveils a Super Fast SLA 3D Printer – Can Print 2,712 cm3 in 1 Hour?

It was just two weeks ago that we reported on a company called Carbon3D and their extremely fast DLP SLA 3D printing process called “CLIP”. They claimed to be able…

Keep People Out with This 3D Printed Door Lock

When desktop 3D printing first began to catch on, the internet was filled with designs that I like to refer to as “useless pieces of garbage.” These were boring designs…

The World’s First 3D Printed NCAA College Tournament Bracket is Created for March Madness

It’s that time of year again folks! March Madness is here, and basketball fans everywhere are rooting for their favorite teams, wagering on games, and watching as teams begin falling…

Chinese Company 3D Prints a Full-size Working Car for Just $1770

3D printing is going big, not just in a metaphorical sense. We have seen 3D printed buildings and cars begin to emerge as innovators look to the potential that this…

Formlabs Partners with the Royal College of Art, Bringing 3D Printing to Creative Students

The stories that I personally love to cover the most within the 3D printing space are those which focus on bringing the technology to students around the globe. These are…

Exclusive Interview with 3D Character Artist Ben De Angelis on 3D Printing’s Future & His Designs

One of the great things about 3D printing is that 3D designers don’t really need to learn an entirely new trade in order to get into the swing of things…

Dog Receives a 3D Printed Prosthetic Venomous Stinger & Other 3D Printing Jokes From the Past Year

Day in and day out, we are all checking to see what types of new innovations are coming about thanks to 3D printing technology. Over the past year, we have…

Sub $300 exiii handiii 3D Printed Open Source Bionic Hand is Controlled by a Smartphone

As time goes by and technology improves, we are constantly seeing prices for previously groundbreaking technology fall to levels which allow for the adoption of this technology by the masses. 3D…

Open Source X3D XS CoreXY 3D Printer is Unveiled by Polish Designer

One of the most fascinating things about the desktop 3D printing space is the openness exuded by the developers of the printers themselves. Desktop 3D printers first got off the…

Not Just for Prototyping Anymore: Student 3D Prints a Waterproof Smartphone Case

There is really a misconception within the desktop 3D printing space that the technology only has one purpose, and that is for prototyping. While 3D printing does lend itself to…

High School Student Creates a 3D Printed Bottle Tree Tap to Harvest Maple Sap this Winter

One of my favorite foods to eat, especially in winter, is pancakes with fresh maple syrup on them. There is just something about the sweetness and flavor of real maple syrup,…

In Support of Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson, a Hilarious 3D Printed ‘Hungry Hungry Clarksons’ Game Emerges

For those fans of Top Gear, and particularly Jeremy Clarkson, surely you have been following the scandal of sorts which has put the English broadcaster in the spotlight. For those…