Whitney Hipolite

WASP Teams With Rizzoli Institute to Make 3D Printed Conductive Casts & Cranial Implants

3D printing and medicine are converging at a rapid pace. It seems as though it was just a few years ago that any mention of the two together would have…

13 Pound Solid Gold Tiger Mask is 3D Printed in Japan – Selling for $500,000

What is it with 3D printing? It seems as though each and every day brings with it a new vision by innovators throughout the world to come up with ideas which have yet…

Magical Art: 3D Printing Enables Artists to Create Designs That Change Forms Depending on Light

Over the past few years we have really begun to see many mainstream artists use 3D printing technology within their creations. Whether it is artistic fashion design, incredible lithophanes, or…

The Most Amazing 3D Printed Zoetrope Ever? ‘All Things Fall’ Just May Be!

The zoetrope, a device which many believe dates back to 100 BC is what could be considered the very start of movie production. The “modern-day” zoetrope, which was developed in…

European Countries to Begin 3D Printing Human Bones

The idea of 3D printing has taken a while to catch on in the realm of manufacturing, where it has proven to provide for large cost reductions throughout the manufacturing…

Chinese Company Teams with Intel to 3D Print Large BunnyPeople™ Robot Integrated With RealSense

Back in the late 90’s Intel Corporation gained quite a few new fans with their funny TV ads, featuring clean-room workers wearing “bunny-suits” and dancing to 1970s disco music. The…

Sand Made SLS 3D Printer Prints with Multiple Materials – Coming This Summer for $28,000

When we typically think of selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printers, we usually envision machines which cost anywhere from $100,000 up to $1 million. They are the machines reserved for large…

Modular, Flexible, 3D Printed ‘BendyBag’ is the Winner of the NinjaFlex / 3DShare Design Contest

One of the great things about the ever expanding list of 3D printable materials available, is that we are constantly seeing more and more ways in which we can utilize…

Italian Police Officer 3D Prints Amazing PCB Workstation with Articulated Arms

If you have any experience working with printed circuit boards (PCBs), then you know how utterly frustrating things can get. Sometimes technicians wish that they could have eight arms just…

Amazing 6-Foot Tall 3D Printed Augmented Reality Cockpit Required 75 Days Worth of Printing to Complete

Virtual reality and augmented reality are two technologies which have been growing in use over the past few years. As computers become more powerful and software development continues to improve,…

Lowe’s Introduces In-Store 3D Printing for Customized Products & Outdated Replacement Parts

Have you ever had a product that you absolutely loved but you had to get rid of it because of the fact that the manufacturer was no longer creating replacement…

3D Print NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in Honor of its 25th Anniversary, Thanks to SketchFab, 3D Hubs & NASA

When it comes to 3D printing, one organization which is not shy by any means in showing their enthusiasm toward the technology is NASA. While many groups are quick to…

3D Printed Liver Model Saves Man’s Life in China

It seems as though each and every day, surgeons and researchers in China are taking the idea of 3D printing and applying it more and more to real-time surgeries. The…

NASA 3D Prints the World’s First Full-Scale Copper Rocket Engine Part

Day in and day out, we see new types of technologies emerge from the 3D printing space, as well as different uses which test the feasibility and potential that 3D…

BEWARE: These 3D Printed Minions Will Take Your Money!

One thing that we have been seeing more and more of lately, within the desktop 3D printing space, is people coming up with ways to use 3D printers in order…

Japanese Designers Unveil an Amazing 3D Printed Titanium Bike

We are beginning to go from having a mentality of “What can 3D printing be used for?”, to one of “What can’t 3D printing be used for?”. We have seen…

Tumor Patient’s Shoulder & Arm are Saved From Amputation Thanks to 3D Printed Shoulder

When most people hear the phrases “additive manufacturing” or “3D printing”, they usually picture the technology being put to use in large factories, creating prototypes, or in someone’s garage who’s making…

Built Almost Entirely of 3D Printed Parts, the World’s First Battery-Powered Rocket is Unveiled

3D printing has gradually been making its way into the manufacturing and fabrication of end-use, functional components and parts. Previously thought of as merely a technology for prototyping, and having…

China Eastern Airlines Successfully 3D Prints Airplane Parts for Boeing 777-300ER Aircraft

We’ve seen the Chinese 3D print cars, houses, and even entire apartment buildings (well sort of). They’ve 3D printed life-sized statues, and even a working air conditioning unit. When it…

Game of Thrones Season 5 Premieres Tonight & You Can 3D Print This Wildling Skull Today

Game of Thrones, Season 5, premieres tonight on HBO, with the first episode, titled “The Wars to Come”, airing at 9:00 PM ET. Directed by Michael Slovis, this will surely be…

Top 3D Printable 3DShare Models This Week — Sexy Yoga Girl, Amazing Lamp, Dice Tower & More

Another week, another great list of 3D printable designs from the always entertaining, sometimes controversial, 3D printing repository we have all come to love (or hate), 3DSha.re. Last week’s list…

Mark Bern Takes His 2-Dimensional Pixel Art and Prints it in 3D

When most of us speak of visual art, we usually get a picture of a painting or a sculpture in our heads. Perhaps we visualize Michelangelo’s paintings that cover the…

3D Printed Mash-Up: Imperial Storm Mickey & Minnie Mouse from Designer Philippe Disse

When it comes to designing objects for 3D printing, there are those designers who are just getting started with the idea that they can actually turn virtual 3D models into…

Microsoft Unleashes a 3D Printed Yo-yo Collection – Download and 3D Print Yours Today!

The Yo-yo is a toy that dates back thousands of years. While documentation dates this toy back to 500 BC in Greece, historians believe that the Yo-yo really originated even…