
The Ultimate Cat Toy — 3D Printed Laser Robot For Your Cat

Cat lovers will appreciate maker Miska Karvonen’s latest 3D printed gadget: A hands-free, Cat Laser Entertainer Robot. It isn’t as though holding a laser pointer is particularly arduous task, but…

Build an SLA UV 3D Print Resin Curing Oven for Less Than $50

Marshall Peck of ProtoBuilds has immersed himself in the practice of 3D printing technology from modeling to building an SLA printer for just $500. Along with his work as an information…

3D Printed Open Source Adaptable Wheelchair Design Released for Handicapped Dogs

Luisa the dog had a very tough start in life. Her mother, a stray dog in Italy, gave birth to a litter of pups on a property where they weren’t…

How a Ukrainian Mathematician Can Make Your 3D Printed Models Look Better

The Ukrainian mathematician Georgy Voronoy, among his many accomplishments, defined what is now known as the Voronoi diagram. A Voronoi diagram, at least in a very simple form, describes the…

Finnish Maker Designs 3D Printed Internet Radio

Miska Karvonen is one of those makers who would be happiest just making and tinkering for a living. In a sense, he’s already doing that very thing. He regularly posts projects…

How to Build a 3D Printer For Under $200 — The Tower XL 3D Printer with Hardware Store Parts

For all of you fellow Lord of the Rings fans out there on a budget who are looking to get started in 3D printing, Almus Yang has a fun new, affordable…

San Francisco Maker 3D Prints a Better, Custom-Fitted Splint

It has never been easier to make a better whatever than it is now thanks to 3D printing technology, which is improving seemingly by the minute. Recently, a broken finger…

His Name is Awesometron and He Came Here to Party, 3D Printed Style

3D printing has certainly come a long way in the last decade. When makers first started tinkering around with 3D printers, the idea of making a 24″ tall model on…

3D Printing-Enhanced Rubik’s Cube Features Braille Numbers for the Visually Impaired

If you’ve ever tried to master the Rubik’s Cube and failed, you’re not alone. It has been estimated that only about 5.8% of the people the world over can solve…

A Full-Featured SLS 3D Printer For $2000? German Student Says He Can Build It

Lukas Hoppe is taking on the big boys with this project. The18-year-old is about to finish school in Bremen, Germany, and he’s launched an Indiegogo project aimed at funding his…

How to 3D Print Your MRI Data

Tyson James is a civil engineering student who is dedicated to teaching people the intricacies of 3D printing at Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library and encourages students to utilize the…

Make Your Own Arduino-Enhanced, 3D Printed Paddle Ball Game

Have you ever known anyone who was actually good at paddle ball? You know–the wooden paddle with a rubber ball attached to it by a string? It’s a toy that…

3D Print Your Own Functioning Retro MiniNES for Less than $50

The love for gaming is quite simply, ceaseless, and — most definitely — timeless. It doesn’t matter how many years or decades go by. If you can still find kids entranced by…

Adam Proctor’s 3D Footprint Keepsake is The Perfect Gift For New Parents

Adam Proctor is a founding member of the North Shore 3D Printing Club and a member of New England Creative who runs his own 3D printing hub outside of Boston, and…

These 3D Printed Fun House Lenses Will Distort Your Face & Shock Your Friends

Anyone who has ever used or even seen an iPad at the store is likely all too familiar with the pre-installed Photobooth application which lets you take photos and view…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — April 11, 2015

This week’s 3D printing stories we didn’t cover run the gamut from quite serious to whimsical, beginning with serious news of an MIT student’s use of 3D printing to document…

Give your 3D Printer a Drawing Lesson with this Instructables Project

Instructables contributor Luke Rodley shared a 3D printing project that’s as much a course in 3D design as it is a 3D print job. Rodley’s step-by-step instructions for getting your…

Hobbyists Design & Build ‘Big Red’ Self-Replicating Printer — Almost Entirely 3D Printed

What could be more exciting than checking out cool stuff made from a 3D printer? We’d have to say the next best thing is checking out a new 3D printer that…

3D Printed Cell Phone Battery Charger Lets You DIY for a Higher Quality Product

These days, it really does seem that, for every problem, there’s a DIY approach–and thanks to the growing global community of makers, tinkerers, and problem solvers, there’s a 3D printed…

A Retrofuturist Apple II Wristwatch is 3D Printed

Instructables user Aleator777 is a Californian who makes “electronic whatsits, 3D printed thingamabobs, and laser-cut kajiggers for the Instructables design team,” and his latest is a wondrous piece of what…

Make Your Own 3D Printer Filament by Building Your Own Filament Extruder

Costs have certainly dropped over the years, but 3D printing could never be accused of being an inexpensive hobby. While the average price of a 3D printer is around one…

3D Print and Build Your Own Smartphone-Connected Color Meter

One Instructables contributor from Taipei, Taiwan, who goes by the nickname “kunfufaresi,” decided to circumvent the market for expensive but must-have (for the highest quality imagery, anyway) photography and videography…

Take this 3D Printable Solar Powered Plane Out for a Spin

This multi-color 3D-Printable bi-plane may not actually fly, but the solar powered micro motor will rotate the small planes propellor on a bright or sunny day. New Instructable user JoKu uploaded…

Istanbul Engineer Develops Modular 3D Printed Robot for Full-Service Platform or Push Toy

The combination of 3D printing and electronics often leads to technological marvels on all levels, and certainly allows today’s makers a wide range of latitude — along with functionality and…