
3D Printing Meets Model Building with This Amazing T80 Russian Tank

If you’re looking for a way to while away the long winter hours and you have a 3D printer, Instructables maker and model enthusiast “8bitwood” has a project for you….

3D Printed Word Clock Tells Time Quite Differently

One thing that certainly differentiates human beings from other members of the animal kingdom is our near obsessive attention to artificial divisions of time. Marking the passage of time in…

Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens: 3D print your own custom crossguard lightsaber

There isn’t a single movie series as popular as that of Star Wars. Dating back to 1977, when George Lucas created the original Star Wars movie, the film series has…

Instructables Designer Creates “Blinds’ Eye,” A Machine that Automatically Closes Blinds

If necessity is indeed the mother of invention, surely sloth — or, perhaps, forgetfulness — is the runner-up. Designer and maker, Drew Morgan (his Instructables handle is “DrewTM”), shared his…

On Display at the White House: Winning Designs from the ‘3D Printed Ornament Design Challenge’

The White House is certainly in on the idea that 3D printing is taking over the world, and they aren’t fighting that one bit; in fact, the White House is embracing…

3D Printed Adjustable, Multi-Attachment Prosthesis Allows Boy to Play Violin, Wii, and Ride a Bike

The world of 3D printing is exhilarating with inspiration on so many different levels. Its innovations have touched the lives of so many humans, in some cases very much improving…

Dremel Teams With Instructables For 3D Printing Design Contest With $4,600 in Prizes

You know a technology is beginning to inch its way into the mainstream when large corporations begin adopting it in some form or another. There are already hundreds of large…

FoxRox Bluetooth Vibration “Speaker” Offers Customizable 3D Printed Cabinet to Enhance Sound

Over the years and with the introduction of the Internet, consumers are more conscious than ever before, so much so that companies like FoxSmart have been able to capitalize on…

Young French Maker 3D Prints a Replica of His Fiancée

When French 3D design company Le FabShop set up its booth near the Shapify space at the Autodesk Pop-Up Gallery in Paris last October, one young designer with Le FabShop, Samuel N. Bernier,…

ATOM 3D Provides Instructables Tutorial to Make Low-cost, Simple, DIY, 3D Printer Extruder

ATOM 3D, an Egypt-based enterprise, is looking to make 3D printing accessible to all via open source platforms. Particularly targeted toward “Egypt and the Arabic region,” the project is geared…

The 3D Printed Sundial Watch Collection: Harness the Power of the Sun with Your Own Watch

It’s all the rage to go retro… but sometimes we like to go ancient. Face it, everything about the sundial is cool. Has it ever occurred to you that you…

Open Source Innovation Brings Foldable 3D Printer TeeBotMax

The world of open source collaboration is continuing to produce a stream of new ideas, all of which will continue to be improved upon, some of them useable now and some…

Make Your Own 3D Printer for Under $60 Using Recycled Electronic Components with Instructables Design

One of the obstacles to jumping headlong into the additive manufacturing milieu for many people is often the expense of the 3D printer itself. Further, for those intrepid, budding engineers,…

3D Print and Wire Your Own Functioning Mini-Arcade

If you need more time to procrastinate and have fun at your desk, here’s a great new gadget idea for you: the 3D printed mini-arcade, by Instructables user diygizmo. With the easy…

Instructables Designer Builds 3D Printed ‘Walkerbot’ Featuring Arduino Software and 4 Pencil Legs

Robots and science fiction fantasy have gone hand in hand throughout the years, with most of our connections to robots coming from a classic movie or TV show. An aspiration of man…

White House Announces 3D Printed Ornament Design Challenge

Back in February 2013, President Barack Obama stepped forward and delivered his State of the Union Address to the American people. In doing so, he set forth goals for the…

Maker Group Builds a 3D Printed Quad-Motor Drone

Expect drone spottings to increase as the DIY drone makes its way to the home workbench, albeit the tech-savvy one. One group of makers has designed what they call a…

The 3D Printed Orange Screamer is Precisely What it Purports to be

We’re confirming–virtually by the minute–just how far reaching are the possibilities where 3D printing is concerned. No doubt, thanks to 3D printing, lives will be saved, new technological summits reached,…

Instructables User Utilizes 3D Printing to Etch Copper Circuit Boards

It amazes me how quickly people are figuring out new ways to utilize 3D printers to make various production methods easier and more economical. There is an ever expanding list…

Man 3D Prints a Working DC Motor

The question used to be, “What can you print with a 3D printer?”. The open source initiative in the 3D printing space has brought forth literally hundreds of thousands of unique…

The 3D Printable Desktop Fist Bumping Robot is Here

Like technology, human interaction is also constantly evolving.  First it was the handshake, in which two individuals connect with one another in a way that says, “Hey I don’t have…

BuildersBot: Files & Instructions Released for DIY 3D Printer / CNC Combo Machine

The 3D printing community is filled with DIY’ers (Do It Yourself’ers), who are fascinated with building 3D printers basically from scratch. The RepRap movement is one that has really caught…