Heidi Milkert
China Shipbuilding Corporation Develops New DMLS 3D Printing Process
While FDM and SLA 3D printing promises to change the rapid prototyping, design, and DIY markets for the better, it’s the 3D printing of metal which could have the most…
South Korea’s First Ever 3D Printed Pelvic Implant Surgery Deemed a Success
The medical community has embraced 3D printing technology at such a rapid rate that even we are surprised by some of the applications sprouting up as of late. Back in…
3D Drucker… Imprimante 3D…Impresión 3D — ‘3D Printing’ Around the Globe
While we are an English speaking media source, we cover numerous stories each day from around the globe, many in places where the primary language is not English. The 3D…
World’s Largest Shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy, to Focus On 3D Printing Ship Parts Via New Innovation Center
Global trade is the lifeblood of today’s economy. Without it, economies would shrink, jobs would crumble and many of the products we all know and love would not be available…
Omni3D Unveils Large ‘Factory 2.0’ 3D Printer
While, the summer usually brings with it a bit of a quiet period when it comes to new product introductions within the 3D printing space, these last couple of months have…
Chemical Giant BASF Teams With Poietis on 4D Bioprinted Skin Project
While Organovo has been making headlines by 3D printing human liver, kidney and skin tissue, they are not the only one’s around who are developing bioprinting technologies. The little known…
Japanese Researchers Create 3D Printed Liver Models Which are One-Third The Price
What amazes me the most about 3D printing is just how rapidly the technology is being adopted and how advanced the printing process has become over the last two to…
3D Systems Signs European Distribution Agreement with Douglas Stewart EDU
When it comes to education, there is no technology that has the promise to transform today’s educational norms as much as 3D printing does. By providing students with a hands-on tool…
Johan Albrecht to Join 3D Printing Software & Services Company Materialise as CFO
As the 3D printing industry and all the large players within it continues to expand and evolve, the financial well-being of these companies as they compete to stay on top…
Hong Kong Terrorists Caught With 3D Printer, Perhaps Looking to Modify Airsoft Guns
Terrorism is a major concern for law enforcement officials around the world, and as technology progresses they must adapt so that they are prepared to protect those whom they are…
Bold Machines Teams With Milestone-Studio On Project to Reduce Oral Cancer Deaths Via Early Detection
Over the last few weeks we have been covering a deluge on interesting projects that Bold Machines has been a part of. From intricate castles ,to an otherworldly geodesic dome to innovated…
Freakish Prints — An Entertaining Website Chronicling When 3D Prints Go Wrong
We’ve all done it before–left the room while a 3D printing project was underway, only to return to find that things didn’t go the way we had planned. In the…
Woolly Mammoth Resurrection – Forget DNA Regeneration, Just 3D Print One in 197 Pieces
Over the last three to four years there has been much talk about the possibility of resurrecting the now-extinct woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). The mammoth, which is related to the…
SmarTech: 3D Printing to Create $11B in Jewelry Revenue & Open Up $3.1B Dental Market by 2020
SmarTech Publishing is known for their detailed industry reports pertaining to the 3D printing, scanning, materials, and software markets. With an eye on the future, their researchers and analysts are…
Aye Aye Labs 3D Prints a Larger Than Life Sir Paul McCartney Statue
Although most desktop 3D printers have build envelopes confined to a space no larger than a typical microwave oven, we have been seeing an extraordinary number of very large 3D…
Second Grade Class Saves 4-Week-Old Chick Named ‘Fighter’ By 3D Printing Her a New Leg
When I was in second grade, I was learning how to write words in a way which were at least somewhat legible, and when leaving school my biggest worry was…
3D Print Jason Statham’s Face From the Movie ‘Spy’ at the Faceoff Machine
As June approaches, I must say that in my opinion there has not been a ton of movies that I have been interested in dishing out $16 to go see…
Researchers 3D Print Miniscule On-Chip Microbatteries with Incredible Potential
We are living in an incredibly shrinking world — a world in which we see electronics decrease in size at an almost unbelievable rate. Think about the size of computer memory, music…
Chinese Surgeons 3D Print a Spine Replica to Help with Incredibly Delicate Surgery
Every day it seems like another incredible medical application for 3D printing emerges. Whether it’s affordable customizable prosthetic devices, the actual printing of biological material, or the numerous surgeries that are…
hsbLABS: Transforming Architectural Home Drawings into 3D Printed Models that Snap Together
hsbLABS – the R&D division of hsbCAD – has developed a new software application that takes 3D architectural models and makes them 3D printable. And it goes even further than that:…
3D Print Speeds to Approach 1800 mm/sec, Thanks to REAL’s 3D Printer Boards
My biggest complaint, along with probably the majority of individuals who own a desktop 3D printer, is the lack of speed when it comes to fabricating an object. The typical…
3D Printed Espresso Cup Used in Space For First Time on the ISS
The is no doubt that both NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are at the forefront of 3D printing technology. After all, the technology could be one of the…
Human Trials of 3D Printed Bone to Begin This Month as Chinese Unveil PCPrinter BCTM
There’s no doubt that bioprinting, along with various other medial applications within the the 3D printing space will change medicine significantly over the coming decades. We’ve seen tremendous progress being…
Nepal Earthquake — Pinshape & MiniWorld Offer 3D Printable Model of Boudhanath Stupa For a Donation
On April 25th, the tiny Asian nation of Nepal, situated between India and China, experienced its worst disaster in over 80 years. At approximately 11:56 NST, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake…