Submarine Industrial Base

Bechtel and Sintavia 3D Print Impeller for Nuclear Sub with Curtiss-Wright

Bechtel Plant Machinery, Curtiss-Wright’s Engineered Pump Division, and 3D printing service Sintavia have collaborated to produce the first qualified metal 3D-printed part for a U.S. nuclear submarine. The part, an…

AML3D and Blue Forge Alliance Enter Manufacturing License Agreement for 3D Printed US Navy Parts

AML3D, the Australian original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the ARCEMY wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) system, has announced a Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA) with Blue Forge Alliance (BFA), a neutral…


Accelerating the Domestic Industrial Base: ATDM Director Holley on Workforce Development for Advanced Manufacturing

At this point, it’s a familiar story: the US faces a critical lack of manufacturing workers in the next decade. Estimates are that, by 2032, the nation’s manufacturing labor pool…

ASTRO America Moves Ahead with Guam Additive Materials & Manufacturing Accelerator

The Applied Science & Technology Research Organization of (ASTRO) America conducts workshops on advanced manufacturing, helps Boeing print rotor systems, lobbies for additive manufacturing (AM), and collaborates with companies like…

US Navy, ASTRO America & Guam Team for New 3D Printing Center

The Applied Science and Technology Research Organization (ASTRO) America has been awarded $550,000 by BlueForge Alliance, a nonprofit program integrator for the US Navy’s Submarine Industrial Base (SIB) team, to…


The Digitalization of Grand Strategy: the US Navy’s Executive Director of PEO Submarines Matthew Sermon On Metal 3D Printing

Just as war shapes history, grand strategy is what shapes war, and military grand strategy all over the planet has changed faster than all of the other rapidly changing things…

3D Printing News Briefs, October 7, 2023: 3D Printed Submarine Parts, Model Sharing, & More

In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, Bartlett Maritime Corporation and Additive Engineering Solutions are 3D printing submarine parts, and Bambu Lab is launching a new model 3D sharing site. Then…

General Dynamics & Huntington Ingalls Industries to 3D Print Submarine Parts

Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (HII’s) Newport News Shipbuilding division and General Dynamics Electric Boat (GDEB), the two companies most integral to the US Submarine Industrial Base (SIB), have partnered to accelerate…

AML3D Makes C-Suite Changes & Ramps Up its Metal 3D Printing Sales in Support of US Navy

The board of AML3D, the Australian original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of metal additive manufacturing (AM) platforms, recently concluded a four month review of the company’s leadership structure, which has resulted…

Navy to Deploy 3D Printing Center of Excellence in Virginia

In the U.S., a remarkable movement is underway where state governors, universities, and companies are promoting their additive manufacturing (AM) chops. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that…