medical 3d printing

Denmark: 3D Printing Conductive Hydrogels for Medical Applications

In the recently published ‘Electrically Conducting Hydrogels for Health care: Concept, Fabrication Methods, and Applications,’ Shweta Agarwala of the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University in Denmark researchers 3D printing…

PLA: The Effects of Annealing & Autoclaving on Mechanical Behavior of Desktop FDM Parts

Researchers from the University of California delve into a very important area of 3D printing for the medical field, experimenting with how sterilization processes affect materials. They released their findings…

Researchers Address Benefits and Pitfalls in 3D Printing of Tissue

Authors Jesse K. Placone, Bhushan Mahadik, and John P. Fisher explore the benefits and challenges of tissue engineering. In the recently published ‘Addressing present pitfalls in 3D printing for tissue…

China: 3D Printing Patient-Specific Guides to Improve Total Knee Arthroplasty

Chinese researchers are using new technology to improve the total knee arthroplasty (TKA), outlining their findings in ‘Accuracy of a Novel 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Intramedullary Guide to Control Femoral Component Rotation…

Bangladesh: Brac University Student Centers Thesis Around 3D, 4D & Even 5D Printing in Medicine

Fatema Tuz Zohra Moonmoon has submitted a thesis, ‘Possibilities of 3D & 4D printing technologies for personalized medicine’ to Brac University, exploring the ways digital fabrication may continue to impact…

Ti6A14V Titanium Alloy: Testing DMLS 3D Printed Samples Under Static Load

As 3D printing with metal continues to expand for industrial users around the world, so does the study of materials like powders, unique alloys, and a range of composites. In…

Interview with Firoza Kothari of Anatomiz3D

OEMs, materials companies and medical device firms are doing a lot of work with 3D Printing. What we’re not seeing is a lot of medical startups in the field. We’re…

More 3D Printing Speakers Lined Up for Next Month’s Additive Manufacturing Strategies

Next month, February 11th through 12th, the third annual Additive Manufacturing Strategies summit, co-hosted by and SmarTech Analysis, is returning to Boston for its 2020 edition. The Early Bird registration…

3D Printing Microneedles for Biomedical Applications

In the recently published ‘Biocompatible 3D Printed Microneedles for Transdermal, Intradermal, and Percutaneous Applications,’ authors Khalil Moussi, Abdullah Bukhamsin, Tania Hidalgo, and Jurgen Kosel explore the use of microneedles in…

Head & Neck Tumors: 3D Printing & Virtual Reality Aid in Surgical Planning

In the recently published ‘Combined application of virtual surgery and 3D printing technology in postoperative reconstruction of head and neck cancers,’ scientists from both the US and China collaborated on…

Interview with Jason Chuen: Shaping Australia’s Medical 3D Printing Environment

In Australia, vascular surgeon Jason Chuen understands that 3D printing is the exciting next step in personalized medicine, which is why he uses 3D scans and 3D printing to deliver…

The Year in Review: The 3D Printing Research Frontiers of 2019—from Medicine to the Moon

The gift of human life is so miraculous that you may find yourself overwhelmed with the complexity of it all if you think too long. The fact that we have…

FDM 3D Printing Shows Great Potential in Transformation of Pharmaceutical Production

In the recently published, ‘The Digital Pharmacies Era: How 3D Printing Technology Using Fused Deposition Modeling Can Become a Reality,’ Brazilian researchers further examine the potential of new technology for…

Interview with Seok-Hwan You of Rokit Healthcare on Bioprinting

When Seok-Hwan You founded Rokit Healthcare the company was one of the first worldwide to be able to 3D print PEEK and other high-performance materials. It quickly grew to dominate…

Congenital Arhinia: 3D Printed Nasal Implants for Toddlers & Adolescents Awaiting Surgery

London researchers are concerned with a rare, congenital disease known as arhinia; there are, in fact, only 60 cases reported in research. In ‘Design and Manufacturing of a Patient-Specific Nasal…

Interview with Shane Quinn of AddiHive On Serial Manufacturing Through 3D Printing

We got the chance to interview Shane Quinn of AddiHive, an Ireland based 3D printing company. We covered the firm before, mentioning how they wanted to bring serial production to…

UTK: Doctoral Student Explores the Intersection of 3D Printing, Microfluidics & Bioprinting

University of Tennessee at Knoxville Doctoral student, Peter Golden Shankles, presents his dissertation on ‘Interfacing to Biological Systems Using Microfluidics,’ discussing the popular new field of microfluidics and the 3D…

RSNA Releases Guidelines for Medical 3D Printing

Part of the thrill of 3D printing is in that sense of lawlessness: experiencing the ability to create and manufacture on a whim. In the medical field, however, rules and…

3D Printing Pioneer Interview With Lars Brouwers on 3D Printing for Complex Fractures and Helping in Sierra Leone

Lars Brouwers is a surgeon in training and a researcher at the Radboudumc and the Elisabeth-Tweesteden hospital. He investigates the value of 3D printing and Virtual Reality in the treatment…

Penn State Tech Startup Kijenzi: Improving the Medical Equipment Supply Chain in Kenya’s Clinics

The topic of healthcare and associated challenges is universal, but in areas like Kenya, some may find it impossible to get the care they need in rural areas; in fact,…

Pennsylvania: Doctors Reconstruct 13-Month-Old’s Airway with 3D Printed Implanted Splint

A little girl in Susquehanna Valley, PA left Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital after spending her first 13 months there. The innovation of 3D printing played a major part in…

BioPrinting with Alzheimer’s Stem Cells May Lead to Improved Drug Testing & Treatment

Alzheimer’s studies give many of us hope, whether we have a relative or friend suffering from the dreaded disease—or simply because we are hoping that a cure will be there…

Science in the Age of Experience: Additive Manufacturing Symposium Draws Expert Discussion on Progress, Challenges

This week in Boston, Dassault Systèmes is hosting its popular Science in the Age of Experience event, which opened Monday with a full-day Additive Manufacturing Symposium (as well as symposia dedicated…


SME Announces Keynote Speakers for RAPID + TCT: 3D Printing in Sports, Aerospace, Medicine, The Future

Nonprofit organization SME, which supports the manufacturing industry, has spent months getting ready for the 2018 RAPID + TCT Conference, which begins this Monday, April 23, in Fort Worth, Texas….