binder jet


3DPOD 237: 3D Printing in Golf with Ryan Roach, Director of Innovation at Cobra PUMA Golf

In this episode of the 3DPOD, we take a deep dive into 3D printing for golf. Cobra PUMA Golf has gone further than other firms, employing Multi Jet Fusion, binder…

voxeljet and Sandhelden 3D Print Siedle Haus Facade

Siedle is a German firm specializing in doorbell systems, access control, and intercoms. It’s one of those companies you may not have heard of, but if you live in Europe,…


Nano Dimension to Buy Desktop Metal

With rumors swirling around consolidation, Nano Dimension (Nasdaq: NNDM) today has announced that it will acquire Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM). The new company will have revenues of $246 million. The…

Indian Steel Giant ArcelorMittal Partners with Materialise for Metal 3D Printing

Materialise and ArcelorMittal Powders have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Arcelor will use Materialise’s Build Processor to power printers, and the two companies will collaborate on settings, parameters, and…


HP’s Ramon Pastor on “Scaling Revenue Rapidly” with Metal Binder Jet 3D Printing

Last week’s successful Additive Manufacturing Strategies (AMS) business summit was filled with illustrious speakers. Among them was the Global Head and General Manager of HP 3D Metals, the always friendly…

3DPOD Episode 186: Micro DLP 3D Printing with John Kawola, CEO of BMF3D

John Kawola was one of the initial employees at Zcorp, a pioneering 3D printing company known for manufacturing color parts that was eventually acquired by 3D Systems. Subsequently, Kawola rejoined…


EPSON and Development Bank of Japan Bet on 3DEO’s Metal 3D Printing Tech

Japanese investment into the additive manufacturing (AM) sector is increasing and it’s bringing new, powerful players to the table. Los Angeles-based 3DEO announced a substantial investment from the Development Bank…


3D Printing the Future with Sustainable Biomass and Bacterial Glue

The world is in a global environmental crisis due to release of captured carbon from transportation, electricity production, commercial use, residential use and deforestation. The cascading effects on ecosystems are…

Long Live AM!  Design Impacts of Innovation

At the end of 2023, we saw a lot of conjecture about the demise of 3D printing and rise of Additive Manufacturing (AM).  Tim Simpson and I took the road…


Is Uniformity Labs out of Business? Metal 3D Printing Equipment up for Auction

According to a recent article from 3DAdept, a substantial amount of metal 3D printing equipment—including machines for printing, processing, and manufacturing metal powders—is up for auction via Tauber-Arons Inc. and…

Why Choose Metal Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printing for Your Business

Metal powder bed fusion (MPBF) is a 3D printing technology where a high-powered energy source  fuses particles of metal powder into complex shapes. MPBF is a popular metal 3D printing…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: Ricoh and Siemens, Programable Microstructure and Medicated Ear Implants

In an exciting paper from Nature Communications, Shubo Gao, Zhi Li, Steven Van Petegem and a whole host of other people at Singapore’s A stars, NTU but also the Paul Scherrer…

AM Data Slice: What Is the Fastest Growing Metal 3D Printing Technology?

SmarTech Analysis has entered a new era as the rebranded Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR). With a new name comes a new feature for the AM Data Slice. Every week,…


Whose Binder Jet 3D Printing is Apple Using to Make Smartwatches?

Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), the Cupertino-based tech behemoth, is once again set to revolutionize an industry, this time targeting manufacturing. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the company is testing…

HZG Group Backs AIM3D’s Bound Metal 3D Printing Tech

AIM3D, a developer of a unique metal and ceramics 3D printing technology, has just secured further funding from 3D printing investor HZG Group and the High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), who backed…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: Arkema Pebax, Voxeljet, Urban Reef, Xtree, CSAIL

Arkema is offering 3D printed parts from its castor oil bio-based Pebax Rnew elastomers from Erpro 3D Factory. This is a lightweight, energy return elastomeric material that is a block…

3DPOD Episode 152: Binder Jetting Flexible Materials with Chris Tuck, Reactive Fusion Founder

Chris Tuck is an entrepreneur and Nottingham University professor playing an outsized role in commercializing and researching new 3D printing technologies. He’s made a number of breakthroughs in binder jet,…

Revolutionizing Manufacturing Floors with Binder Jet Metal 3D Printing – AMS Speaker Spotlight

Binder jet metal 3D printing is a game-changer for industries like aerospace and automotive that are looking for a different approach to manufacturing high throughput parts and custom parts. With…

Achieving Viable Serial Production with Additive Manufacturing

To make additive manufacturing (AM) a more common process for serial production, particularly laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), the focus of development has been to find effective and efficient solutions…

Featured PRO

Markforged Buys Digital Metal: What Does it Mean for the 3D Printing Industry?

This PRO article was originally published in July 2022 and is being re-shared here as Markforged has completed its acquisition of Digital Metal.  It’s been a few months since the additive…

Golf Pro Rickie Fowler Swings a Custom 3D Printed Golf Club

In a round up article, we looked at all of the developments in 3D printed golf clubs. On the whole, there have been a lot of initiatives and press releases,…


Binder Jet 3D Printing a New Nuclear Future with Silicon Carbide

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind will, and should, continue to grow, but conventional wisdom in energy circles identifies nuclear power as one of the most reliable, portable,…

In First Full-Year Report, Desktop Metal Organic Revenues Are up

While Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) has a market cap of $1.25 billion, reflected in the unicorn status it was given by investors ahead of its initial public offering, its ability…

Binder Jet Metal 3D Printing Cuts Lead Times and Weight for French Aerospace Firm

An important point to remember at this stage in the history of additive manufacturing (AM) is that there’s a unique timeline of progress for every industry currently applying the technology….