3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: October 6, 2024
Things are picking back up in this week’s roundup, with many events, both virtual and in-person! Read on for all the details! 3D Printing News Unpeeled Our Executive Editor Joris…
3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: October 8, 2023
No matter where you are in the world this week, from Ohio, Minnesota, and California in the U.S. to Budapest, Italy, Moravia, or just on your computer at home, there’s…
3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: September 4, 2022
We’re getting busy again for this week’s webinar and event roundup! The Stratasys tour is taking.a break, but the company is still presenting a webinar on the NASA Hunch Program….
3D Printed Vaginal Rings Could Treat Bacterial Infections
There are plenty of examples in which 3D printing has been used to develop drug delivery systems, but this research out of Hungary is tackling the issue from a new…
ROKIT Healthcare Establishes Korea’s First Premium Anti-Aging Wellness Center in Hungary
ROKIT Healthcare has announced establishment of a high-end anti-aging wellness center in Hungary. This is a joint project with a Dubai-based investment company with an expected outcome of a “Kozseg…
3D Printing News Briefs: September 15, 2017
Just like earlier this week, today’s edition of 3D Printing News Briefs is bringing you the latest business news from the 3D printing world. We’ve got an update on the…
Philament Offers PLA Composite Filaments for Specialized Industrial 3D Printing Applications
PLA filament offers plenty of benefits – it’s biodegradable, it’s non-toxic and can be made to be food-safe, it’s easy to print, and it’s a favorite of many makers for its…
PTE3D to Host 2nd International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference in Hungary
At first glance, you might not consider the country of Hungary to be a leading innovative force on the 3D printing front, but the Central European nation has garnered quite…
Customization is Key — A Few Questions For: Leopoly
One of the aspects of 3D technologies that often appeals to new adopters is its ease of customization; 3D design templates allow for incredible freedom in creating one-off or low-volume…
3DTECH in Schools Program Makes Hungarian Students the Ones to Watch for Future Design & 3D Printing Excellence
Hungarian schools aren’t just stepping up education in general, they are serious about 3D printing, and about to outdo many countries if their ambitious plan succeeds. With their ‘3DTECH in…
The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — September 5
This week’s 3D printing stories include some examples of the cool things you can make if you have access to a 3D printer, like a Transformer birthday cake and a 3D…
LSD Effects Without LSD? 3D Printed ‘MOOD’ Glasses Provide Psychedelic Visuals
If you want all of the visual experience of psychedelic music with none of the nasty side effects of doing heavy drugs, then the MOOD glasses created by Hungarian designer…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — May 23, 2015
This week’s stories we didn’t cover move from small daily details, like 3D printed bowls we can slurp from, all the way to a new industrial-size metal printer from Additive…
Beware the Krak3n 3D Printer, a Monster In Development
The Kraken is a legendary sea monster reputed to be enormous and to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. The squid-like creature was said to have a “fearsome appearance”…