MIMO TECHNIK, ASTRO Test Lab & LEAP 71 Combine Powers for Computational Engineering in Aerospace 3D Printing
California-based MIMO TECHNIK, a service bureau catering to demanding clients in the New Space and defense sectors, operates with six SLM 500s, four SLM 280s, and three SLM 125s. ASTRO…
3DXpert 3D Printing Software Now Easily Accessible to Altair Users
3D Systems (NYSE: DDD) subsidiary Oqton has announced that it is expanding the software it offers through the Altair Partner Alliance (APA) to include 3DXpert and 3DXpert DfAM (Design for…
Stratasys GrabCAD to Feature 3D Printing Apps from Riven and 3D Systems’ Oqton
Up until recently, the two closest competitors in the 3D printing world have been Stratasys (NASDAQ: SSYS) and 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD), as the two largest publicly traded stalwarts the…
3DPOD Episode 94: 3D Printing Generative Design with Hyperganic CEO Lin Kayser
Hyperganic is a stealthy startup that wants to replace how things are currently designed and made. The company aims to disrupt CAD with a very different design paradigm using artificial…
Siemens and Hyundai Switch to NX and Teamcenter
Siemens Digital Industries Software has partnered with Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation to introduce Siemens’ Teamcenter and NX Xcelerator products as their authoring, design and management software. NX is…
What Are the Advantages of Using Grasshopper for 3D Printing?
Grasshopper is a visual scripting tool for creating 3D models. It breaks with traditional CAD software in that geometry is coded rather than directly created and manipulated in the viewport….
Design for Disruption: 3D Printing Design for Installation
With 3D printing we have the ability to redesign existing parts. We can do this to get them to work in a 3D printed form, or to optimize for cost….
Startup Accelerator, Singapore: Dental 3D Printing, Services, and More
This is the eighth article detailing the 3D printing startup scene in Singapore. Teehee Dental Works Teehee Dental Works is a dental lab and dentist with a difference. Along with…
3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: May 23, 2021
With seven webinars and events each on May 25th and 26th, five on the 27th, and one on the 28th, I won’t waste time with a lengthy intro. Keep reading…
3D Printing News Briefs, January 23, 2021: CADENAS, BCN3D, ExOne & AMGTA, 6K
We’ve got some business news for you in this weekend edition of 3D Printing News Briefs! CADENAS and BCN3D are both reporting good news from 2020, and ExOne has just…
Functional Texture Libraries Could Make All 3D Printed Parts Better
In the molded, mass-manufactured, and CNC’d world, everything was smooth. Meanwhile, our 3D printed world had a surface roughness problem that was proving difficult to solve. Finishing took longer than…
Modular Heat Exchanger Made via 3D Printed Molds
You may recognize the name Brett Turnage from the amazingly detailed 3D printed RC cars and motorcycles he makes. But Turnage, founder of BTI LLC, has moved up and is…
3D Printing News Briefs: February 12, 2020
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’ve got materials news, then some collaborations and an education story to share. First, KRAIBURG TPE is examining if its thermoplastic elastomers are suitable…
Dassault Systèmes Selects Xometry as Prime Partner for Marketplace Integration
At 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020, CAD giant Dassault Systèmes made a number of announcements related to its 3DEXPERIENCE suite and SOLIDWORKS CAD software. One piece of news in particular has particular…
8 Reasons Why 3D Modeling is in Demand in Architecture
3D modeling is increasingly used in various fields of human life and activity. For a long time, that technique has gone beyond the use of purely in the entertainment industry,…
The Top 10 SelfCAD Improvements of 2019
Let’s start 2020 with something positive – reflecting on the awesomeness of 2019. 2019 was a productive year for us at SelfCAD. We listened to your feedback, fixed bugs and…
Top 5 Software Packages for 3D Printing
3D printing is a tough job. Although once learned, it does not seem too tricky. However, for beginners, it might not seem as friendly as various other new technologies. The…
Make Your Own 3D Print Design with Expert Guidance’s Design Essentials for 3D Printing online crash-course starts October 23 with two live presentations from industry leaders. Over the course of the one-week, learn how to create 3D print-ready…
Learn Design Software with Pros in Our Online Crash Course is offering an online one-week crash course on Design Essentials for 3D Printing starting October 23 — and you’re not going to want to miss it. Over the course…
How to Self-Learn 3D Modeling
Developing 3D modeling skills becomes a must for anyone who no longer wants to be limited to basic designs and models that can be downloaded or bought on the Internet….
Industry 4.0: Stop letting your suppliers own your CAD
Your organization’s engineering outsourcing practices may be providing short-term cost savings while introducing long-term risk. Losing control of your CAD means losing control of your engineering future. Stop letting your…
What is Metrology Part 2: CMM
This is an article that outlines CMM technology and how it is the basis of metrology. You will learn about some of the interesting physics involved within this field as well.
Fast Things 8: The Shape Game and Mrs. Incredible
Imagine the answer to life, the universe, and everything is: donut. In a world of Fast Things, 3D Printing is the logical production technology. With our technology, you can go…
3D Printing News Briefs: June 8, 2019
In this week’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re talking about partnerships, new software and buildings, and a neat 3D printed miniature. Together, Evolve Additive Solutions and Evonik are developing materials…