
Nanoe Zetamix Releases Zetasinter 4L Furnace for Bound Metal Filament 3D Printing

French firm Nanoe is a pioneer in bound filament 3D printing, offering Zetamix filaments for ceramics, Ceramic Matrix Composite materials (ceramics with fiber), steel, and zirconia. Nanoe’s filaments make 3D…

Eplus3D Sells 100 “Super-Meter” Metal 3D Printers

Chinese laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Eplus3D has announced that it has sold over 40 machines with build volumes exceeding 1m x 1m x 1m in…

Indian Steel Giant ArcelorMittal Partners with Materialise for Metal 3D Printing

Materialise and ArcelorMittal Powders have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Arcelor will use Materialise’s Build Processor to power printers, and the two companies will collaborate on settings, parameters, and…

Wisconsin’s Evology Adds Digital Sheet Forming to Service Roster

Evology, a service bureau based in Wisconsin and specializing in serving strategic sectors like aerospace and defense, has added digital sheet forming (DSF) to its repertoire of manufacturing capabilities. Evology…

SSAB Introduces “World’s First” Emission-Free Steel Powder for 3D Printing

Swedish steel giant SSAB (Nasdaq Stockholm: SSAB A) has unveiled what it is calling the “world’s first” emission-free steel powder for commercial use, developed from recycled SSAB Zero steel. Engineered…

Which Metal Dominates the 3D Printing Market? – AM Data Slice

“AM Data Slice” from Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR) is a weekly segment that offers readers a dive into the additive manufacturing (AM) landscape, showcasing pivotal statistics and trends derived from AMR’s…

Laser Wars: British Steel Parent Now Owns Six “Super-Meter” Metal 3D Printers

In a significant development for the metal additive manufacturing (AM) industry, a division of the Jingye Group, the parent company of British Steel, recently integrated two new “super-meter-level” metal 3D…


Indian Steel Giant ArcelorMittal Now Making Metal 3D Printing Powders

ArcelorMittal (NYSE: MT), a roughly USD$80 billion steel and mining company, recently announced its formal foray into the additive manufacturing (AM) market as a steel powder supplier. Though this is…


Metal AM with a Focus on Lifetime and Wear Resistance

For fifteen years Swedish VBN Components has been developing extraordinarily hard and wear resistant alloys. From 7 –10 November you will be able to meet VBN at Formnext Frankfurt, Hall…

3D Printing News Briefs, January 28, 2023: Bronze-Steel Alloys, 3D Printing on Textiles, & More

We’re starting with research in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, as a research team based out of China developed a new approach for 3D printing hydrogel-based electronics. Also, researchers in…

DED Metal 3D Printing Study Reduces Errors in Functionally Graded Materials

In a new paper ¨Defect of functionally graded material of inconel 718 and STS 316L fabricated by directed energy deposition and its effect on mechanical properties,” researchers from the Korea…

NASA Spinoff Deploys Large Format Metal 3D Printing for Space Components

The space industry is undergoing a gradual evolution wherein additive manufacturing (AM) is deployed to improve the quality of components. According to the “3D Printing in Commercial Space: The AM…

3D Printing News Briefs, October 30, 2021: Research, Turbine Repair, & More

Today’s 3D Printing News Briefs is a little bit of everything, starting with a research paper on 3D printing tungsten carbide surfaces with extreme wear resistivity. Moving on, a runner…

Micro Metal 3D Printing from Holo Gets Series B Round, New Materials

Holo, which uses photopolymer slurry and stereolithography (Slurry SLA, as I am dubbing it) to make precise metal components, has announced the completion of a Series B round of funding….


Seurat Aims to Disrupt Metal 3D Printing with 2 Million Lasers

3D printing company Seurat is named after pointillist painter Seurat because, like him, the company wants to work pixel by pixel. Rather than trace a laser over the whole build,…

Additive Industries & ArcelorMittal Using MetalFAB1 3D Printer to Make Spare Steel Parts

One of the world’s leading steel and mining companies, ArcelorMittal, is partnering with Dutch company Additive Industries to investigate the use of metal 3D printing to make large spare parts…

Using Robotic GMAW Additive Manufacturing to Make Metal Components for Industrial Applications

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) additive manufacturing is a more affordable metal technology, with a high deposition rate for potentially fabricating medium and large components. Van Thao Le, with Le…

The State of 3D Printing in Industrial Goods, Part Five

After exploring the end users, manufacturers and service bureaus involved in the 3D printing of parts for general industrial applications, we’ll be taking a look at the metal materials that…

thyssenkrupp to be One Stop Solution Provider for Metal 3D Printing?

thyssenkrupp is a 42 Billion Euro a year revenue steel giant that makes elevators, escalators and many metals components. The firm is taking a real interest in 3D printing now…

University of Stuttgart Investigating Reinforcement of 3D Printed Concrete

The interest in 3D printed concrete continues to skyrocket – after all, who wouldn’t be interested in a solution that could allow for extremely rapid construction of structures like bridges…

LLNL Researchers Use Laser Beam Shaping to Enhance Properties During Metal 3D Printing

From bioprinting blood vessels and using 3D printing to control reactive materials to 3D printing nanoporous gold and researching metal 3D printing flaws, the scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory…

GKN Sinter Metals and Porsche Engineering 3D Print with a New Kind of Steel

Steel, particularly stainless steel and tool steel, is a reliable and commonly used material in industries including tooling and biomedical. What is still relatively uncommon, however, is steel material for…

Nucor Steel Tariffs and 3D Printing

Nucor is America’s leading steel company with steel mill and steel products facilities throughout the country. Nucor produces about 15 million tons of steel per year including hot and cold rolled…

ZYYX CEO Details Upcoming Sub-€10K Benchtop Metal 3D Printing Solution

Last week at TCT Asia, Sweden-based ZYYX went public with a concept it’s been working on quietly for some time now: a metal 3D printing system. While, as with recent…