
Winners Announced For 14th Annual Stratasys and GrabCAD Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge

One of my favorite industry challenges is the global Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge by Stratasys, because it charges students to use advanced 3D printing technology to either redesign a product that’s…

Stratasys Takes 3D Printing Focus Down to the Voxel, “Speaking the Language” of Each Application

Stratasys has long held a leadership position in 3D printing; the company is one of the most established in the industry and has been leading the market in sales. With…

PADT Uses 3D Printing to Create a Better Bike Rack

Bicycles are great to have – they’re fun, they’re good exercise, and they’re an eco-friendly way to travel. If you’re planning to take a bike somewhere far away, though, you’d…

The Best in Student Engineering Shines in 13th Annual Stratasys Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge

3D printing solutions company Stratasys often uses the GrabCAD platform, the largest online collaborative environment for manufacturers, engineers, and designers in the world, to provide 3D printing and design challenges…

Frustum-GrabCAD 3D Printed Quadcopter Challenge Winners Announced

We’ve seen GrabCAD team up with Stratasys for 3D printing challenges, but this time, the digital manufacturing hub has joined with topology optimization software company Frustum, focused on developing the latest design…

High School Senior Develops 3D Printed Biomimetic Robotic Prosthetic Hand

While I never participated, I remember students in my high school’s more advanced science classes working together for the egg drop challenge, where teams built a container that would hold the egg…

Stratasys and Dassault Systèmes Announce New Additive Manufacturing Partnership at SOLIDWORKS World 2017

Today is the last day of the SOLIDWORKS World 2017 conference in Los Angeles, and the big announcements just keep rolling out. On the first day, 3D printing solutions heavyweight Stratasys introduced…

Stratasys Unveils the New Professional, User-Friendly F123 3D Printer Series at SOLIDWORKS World 2017

SOLIDWORKS World 2017 has barely opened, but already the announcements are rolling out, and they’re big. At a press conference this afternoon, Stratasys unveiled their new FDM-based F123 (F170, F270 and F370)…

Middle School Robotics Team Uses 3D Printing to Help Restore Kentucky’s Bat Population

Have you ever found an animal utterly fascinating, while also being slightly creeped out by it? I feel this way about snakes – I think they are really interesting animals,…

MakerBot’s Helpful Post-Processing Guides Offer Detailed Step-By-Step Instructions on Painting, Vacuum Forming, and More

Desktop 3D printing has had a big impact on what and how students can learn in school, and also how professionals work. However, many people simply don’t realize what is…

Stratasys Shows Off Next Generation of Fortus 900mc 3D Printer, Announces Partnership with SAP at Formnext

As formnext moved ahead full-steam in Frankfurt last week, as to be expected, we were seeing one magnificent unveiling after another. Stratasys is of course on top of their game there too as…

Stratasys Launches 13th Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge, Powered by GrabCAD Platform

Back in 2014, the 3D printing titan Stratasys made the decision to acquire GrabCAD, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based file sharing service for CAD models. The platform was developed to allow designers…

The 3-2-1 Liftoff! ULA Rocket Hardware Challenge Launches Through GrabCAD Community

3D printing has had major impacts in the aerospace industry. Some of the most brilliant engineering minds have been put to the test designing parts for rockets that one day…

GE’s Christine Furstoss: Cohesive 3D Printing Ecosystem Must Exist Before There is a True Manufacturing Revolution

Many are still waiting for the advent of a desktop 3D printer in every home—as ubiquitous as the PC or the kitchen stove—and the common practice of simply fabricating virtually…

RAPID 2016: Conversations with Materialise, Stratasys, 3D Systems, & Carbon

It’s the worst-kept secret here at RAPID 2016 was a busy time! Clare and I were kept on our toes two weeks ago in Orlando, where we were treated…

RAPID 2016: In Photos

Writer Clare and I had a very busy week at RAPID 2016 in Orlando, and we’ve been trying to keep you all abreast of some of the fantastic sights we…

Stratasys Releasing New GrabCAD Print App in Beta This Summer

With the advent of the J750 3D printer, it would seem (despite rather weak Q1 results) that industry titan Stratasys is on an upswing, on a roll, refreshed—and with a…

GrabCAD and Stratasys Education Team Up for the da Vinci Gear System Challenge

There probably will never be another person alive like Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in a period of time quite unique in all of history, right in the midst…

AstroPrint Offers the ‘Ultimate’ Cheat-Sheet Buffet of 3D Printing Tips You’ll Want to Save

We’re hard pressed today to find someone, anyone, who doesn’t know at least a little bit about how 3D printing is changing the world in so many areas like manufacturing,…

Design Challenge’s Student Winner Donates 3D Printer Prize to UC Berkeley’s Maker Space

Casey Rogers is a UC Berkeley student and the Co-President of the university’s student-run makerspace, the 3D Modeling Club. He’s also the recent winner of the 2015 Make the Unmakeable…

Save Lives and Win Some Cash by Taking the “Oxygen Valve Splitter Challenge”

When doctors are trying to provide medical care in low-resource settings, the patient with atypical medical needs is probably going to be the one who suffers, and unfortunately there simply isn’t…

NASA Engineer Designs an Original 3D Printed Engagement Ring for a Very Personal Proposal

3D printed jewelry is such a big hit because it’s customized and personalized — adding much sentimental value to something that is already pretty sentimental. If you think about it,…

Stratasys Announces Winner for Their 3D Printed CubeSat Challenge

In efforts to further development of and explore the potential of the CubeSat, Stratasys has enticed numerous brilliant minds from the field of engineering and design in the GrabCADcommunity to…

Using the Power of Makers and 3D Printing to Help Veterans

The Prosthetics and Assistive Technology Challenge series event will take place July 28-29 in Richmond, Virginia, and the two-day event gives designers from the general public the opportunity to transform…