3d printing podcast
3DPOD Episode 149: 3D Printed Consumer Goods with Ian Yang, Gantri Founder
Ian Yang is the founder of Gantri, a startup which uses desktop 3D printers to make lamps. We love Gantri because it deploys 3D printing for consumer products and is…
3DPOD Episode 148: Frank Herzog, HZG Group
Frank Herzog, alongside his wife, commercialized Concept Laser. The firm was later sold to GE to become the core of GE Additive, and Frank stuck around to build out GE’s…
3DPOD Episode 90: 3D Printing Software and Supply Chain Management with Authentise CEO Andre Wegner
Authentise is the developer of a manufacturing execution system (MES) software package that helps businesses manage their 3D printing fleets. With Authentise, you can track your prints and batches, as…
3DPOD Episode 64: 3D Print Services with Clement Moreau, Sculpteo Founder
Clement Moreau founded Sculpteo and led the 3D print service for ten years before selling it to BASF. In this episode, we follow his journey, discuss what made Sculpteo successful,…
3DPOD Episode 60: AM Metal Powder Production with MolyWorks CEO Chris Eonta
This episode is a blast, as we descend into the mayhem that was the early days of MolyWorks. A team that tries to make a gas atomizer on a founder’s…
3DPOD Episode 42: 3D Systems CEO Jeff Graves
This time, Max and I got to speak with 3D Systems’ CEO Jeff Graves. Graves has spent over 17 years in corporate leadership roles and now will helm 3D Systems…
3DPOD Episode 37: Jos Burger, Ultimaker CEO
I met Jos Burger when I was working for Shapeways years ago. He’s astute, very bright and a natural leader who later worked at Ultimaker while I was there as…
3DPOD Episode 35: Todd Grimm, T.A. Grimm & Associates
Todd Grimm has been working in AM and 3D Printing for 30 years. He has done a lot of work for Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG), and is a frequent…
3DPOD Episode 33: Alexander Oster, Director of Additive Manufacturing at Autodesk
I’ve known Alexander Oster a long time now. He joined FIT at 16 to work on making a printer and later writing code for the leading service bureau. This eventually…
3DPOD Episode 17: People We Admire in 3D Printing
Today we had an episode that was a free-ranging discussion between Max and myself on the people we admire in 3D printing. First off, we have to admit to being…
3D Pod Episode 7 3D Scanning & Interview With Direct Dimensions CEO Michael Raphael
MIchael Raphael is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable 3D scanning people worldwide. For years he and his company Direct Dimensions have been asked to 3D scan important buildings,…
3D Pod Episode 6 Bioprinting
Max and I discuss bioprinting this week. We go into detail about the different things that excite us from in situ, to scaffolds, to skin to cartilage. We talk about…
3DPod 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing Podcast Episode 2: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
3DPod is a unique, entertaining and hopefully thought-provoking podcast about 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing. We look at the 3D printing market in the broadest sense and hope to give…
3DPod 3D Printing Podcast Episode 1: Intro & Printing Beyond PLA
The 3DPod is a new podcast covering 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing. Its the only podcast where we take a helicopter view of our industry and with deep industry experience…