3D Printing News Briefs, November 23, 2024: Formnext Awards, Batch Production, & More
We’re covering a variety of stories in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, from the Formnext Awards to metal additive manufacturing for batch production and more. Read on for all the…
3D Printing a Teleprompter at Home, Powered by Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pis are brilliant, an opinion with which I’m sure most of readers would agree. The number of things you can do with them is limitless, from running one as…
Automated Production Planning for 3D Printing Factories
Researchers from the University of Valladolid in Spain discuss ways to improve efficiency and organization in 3D printing, releasing the details of their study in the recently published ‘Production planning…
Coding for 3D Part 3: Tools of Choice
This is an in-depth article explaining the plan of attack for learning parametric design through code. I will be consulting various online resources as well as books to strengthen my knowledge base.
What is Metrology Part 16: Introductory Coding
This is a step into the world of coding and how it affects image processing. This interactive coding project helps to reinforce knowledge we have previously explored as well as new ways for us to get involved in learning more.
From Playing Football to All Night at the Disco, 3D Printable Marty the Robot Has the Moves–and the Eyebrows!
If you haven’t had your fill of robotics lately—or cuteness—check out Marty. I think he might even be more adorable than my puppy, and he’ll keep your kids, as well…
Maker Shows Us How to Build Our Own E-Waste 3D Printer Using Trashed Technology
As many of us pound out blogs, emails, and various communications on the keys of our electronics, many of them laptops or PCs with double and sometimes even triple monitors,…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — June 13, 2015
This week’s stories we missed may produce a heavy sigh for those wondering how they can merge all of their favorite pastimes — eating potato chips, building with Legos, controlling a 3D printed robot…
3D Printed Pi-Booth Lets Employees Capture Better Photo ID Likenesses
Even the more photogenic people among us would surely concur that, when it comes to the mini-portraits that grace various forms of personal identification, they’ve definitely looked better. For most…
15-Year-Old 3D Prints Incredible Robot Capable of Picking Up and Moving Objects on Demand
Over the past year or so, we have covered stories involving the 3D printing of dozens of different robots. Robotics and 3D printing seem to go together like peanut butter…
Dumpster-Diving DIYer Uses Salvaged Wi-Fi Router to Control His 3D Printer
When Floridian Matt Defenthaler bought a home 3D printer, he went with a kit rather than purchasing a fully assembled one. He ordered his Makerfarm i3v printer (I’m pretty sure…
Incredible 3D Printed Blooming Zoetropes Sculptures
Nature is filled with numbers — or possibly numbers are filled with nature. Either way, artists have been exploring the relationships between numerical form and physical form for as long…
3D Printed ‘E-mail Watch’ Filters Messages So You Can Check In or Check Out
With the advent of a highly digitized society, many of us spend our waking hours filtering information from numerous blinking, colored screens. From the smartphone that wakes you up, to…
Mount St. Helens’ Historic Volcanic Eruption is Relived Through 3D Printing
The human mind works in 3 dimensions. We see in 3D, we dream in 3D, and we think in 3D. When we are asked to envision the world in just…
Grillz – New York-Based Artists Uses 3D Printing to Explore Hip Hop Culture
New York-based artist, Roopa Vasudevan’s, latest exploration of American culture transforms the spoken word into 3D-printed reflections in polished gold steel. Vasudevan’s exhibition, “Grillz,” examines the polarities of hip hop…