3D Printing News Unpeeled: Sea Drones, MIT Heart Model and Wayland Additive
UAE based Al Seer Marine unveils the Hydra a 3D Printed USV that is destined to be a technology testbed for an ISR vessel. Autonomous 3D printed USV craft are…
Wyss Institute will Help Combat Viral Threats with 3D Printed Organ-on-a-Chips
There is no doubt that viral disease transmission is a risk to many countries, one that requires a coordinated international response and a strong scientific basis to feed our understanding…
VA Puget Sound Initiative: Advancing 3D Printing for Heart Disease
For over one hundred years, treating heart disease meant opening the patient’s chest to access the heart through open-heart surgery. The procedure usually takes between three to six hours and…
3D Printing Awakens Renewed Interest in Polymeric Heart Valves for Patient-Specific Treatment
Authors Charles D. Resor and Deepak L Batte review the recent work of André R. Studart and his co-researchers in creating artificial heart valves via 3D printing. Their findings are…
Stanford University Researchers Create Better Cardiac Catheter Devices with 3D Printing
The heart disorder atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is the most common rhythm disorder, and causes patients to have irregular, often rapid heartbeats, which messes up blood flow from the heart…
Wyss Institute Researchers Continue to Advance Organ Engineering Through 3D Bioprinting
An organ transplant is a pretty miraculous procedure on its own, and its development and continuing improvement has enormously benefited its recipients. More than 30,000 people receive transplants each year…
3D Data Shows What Makes the Heart Beat – in High-Resolution Detail
I’ve often read the phrase “my heart skipped a beat” in novels where it was used to describe a giddy, romantic feeling. I understand what authors are going for, but…
3D Printing Helps Create Patch That Reduces Heart Failure
Heart failure affects approximately 6 million adults in the United States and is a contributing cause in one of every nine deaths. For those afflicted with heart failure, about half of them…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things – The Best Valentine’s Day 3D Printing Projects
How do you celebrate a holiday like Valentine’s Day with a 3D printer? It actually took me quite a while to figure out exactly what kind of article I wanted…
Heart Transplant Surgery Performed With Help of Color Coded 3D Printed Model
There comes a day in everyone’s life when they realize that the human heart bears no resemblance to that double lobed drawing that shows up on Valentine’s Day cards and cheap…
Last Minute 3D Printable Valentine’s Day Gifts
Valentine’s Day is this Saturday and there are some creative 3D printable Valentine’s items that might make that special someone’s heart skip with delight! Here are a few of these…
The Living Heart Project: Dassault Systèmes Signs Agreement with FDA for 5-Year Collaborative Research
Heart disease: its’ a terrifying reality for many millions of people today, and is the leading cause of death. An estimate from the World Health Organization pinned cardiovascular diseases as responsible…
SweetHearts Offers 3D Printed Chocolates as Reward in New Diet and Exercise Concept
Monday morning usually weighs us down with a fair amount of guilt over the weekend’s indulgences — and a bathroom scale that we want to toss out the window. It’s…
3D Printed Embeddable Heart Device To Transform Treatment of Heart Disorders
Last weekend we saw how doctors were using 3D printing to help them better understand heart issues, which were related to specific patients, prior to them operating. This week we…