Consumer Products

Welcome to the Desktop 3D Printing Evolution, Part 4: Recoating Machines

In previous installments of this series, we’ve examined how networks of companies developed key ingredients that evolved into a vibrant ecosystem of firms, making desktop 3D printing fit for purpose….

3DPOD Episode 149: 3D Printed Consumer Goods with Ian Yang, Gantri Founder

Ian Yang is the founder of Gantri, a startup which uses desktop 3D printers to make lamps. We love Gantri because it deploys 3D printing for consumer products and is…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: June 19, 2021

We’ve got another busy week of webinars and events this week, covering topics like cosmetics and beauty, simulation for SLS printing, 3D printed consumer products, and more. Read on for…

ShareMy3D Sets Up 3D File “Superhighway” for Secure Sharing of 3D Printable Files

As the 3D printing industry grows larger so do the sizes of the 3D files that need to be transferred between the digital content creators and the physical content producers….

3D Systems Appoints New VP of Consumer Products Business

3D Systems announced today that they have welcomed to their management team a new Vice President of Consumer Products: Peter Theran will lead the expansion of the company’s consumer products into…