burn treatment
Programmable 3D Printed Wound Dressing: Improving Burn and Cancer Treatment
Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed an innovative, customizable wound dressing with potential applications in burn care, cancer treatment, and the cosmetic industry. Made from intelligent hydrogel materials,…
Masks for Pediatric Burn Patients Made Possible with Formlabs SLS 3D Printers
Pediatric rehabilitation center Romans Ferrari is said to be one of the best places for children to recover from severe trauma, including burns. The center, which is near Lyon in…
Bioprinting for Burns and Cancer on the Horizon for CTI Biotech
French startup CTI Biotech has hit two important milestones on the road to creating functional bioprinted human tissues. In November 2021, the company announced the development of an innovative cold…
Bioprinting Breakthrough: Bioprinter for Implantable Tissues Installed in French Hospital
A French hospital installed a bioprinter to manufacture biological tissues for transplantation in humans. This quantum leap in bioprinting is possible thanks to Poietis, a local biotech company specializing in…
Robot Skin 3D Printer Close to First-in-Human Clinical Trials
In just two years a robotic device that prints a patient’s own skin cells directly onto a burn or wound could have its first-in-human clinical trials. The 3D bioprinting system…
MSF Hospital in Jordan Continues to Help Wounded Victims of War with 3D Printed Prosthetics
For over ten years now, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), known in English as Doctors Without Borders, has been operating a reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman, Jordan. Patients from many Middle Eastern countries who are…
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Progresses with 3D Printed Skin Technology
About a year ago, researchers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) announced that they had successfully transplanted functional 3D printed tissue into animals. The 3D printed ear, bone and…
Design Student Creates 3D Skin Printer Concept to Alleviate Burns & Skin Disease
Many of us completely take our skin–generally quite durable–for granted, punishing it under the glare of the sun, caking it with makeup, and subjecting it to a wide array of…
PrintAlive 3D Bioprinter Creates Skin-like “Living Bandages” to Advance Burn Treatment
Health professionals who treat burn victims are acutely aware of the necessity to treat burn injuries, particularly severe ones, as rapidly as possible. As one journal article explains it, “In…