3d printing on mars
10 3D Printing Projects Enter Phase II of NASA’s SBIR Program in 2021
Each year, NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program awards contracts to small businesses across the United States to spur research and commercialization of innovative space technologies. As a renewed…
University of California Thesis: Reviewing 3D Printing in Construction, Including Mars
Andrew Truong recently presented a thesis, ‘State-of-the-Art Review on 3D Printing Technology Applications in Construction,’ to the University of California, Irvine. Reviewing 3D printing in construction, Truong tackles a multi-faceted…
Basalt Fiber-Reinforced ABS: Researchers Develop Thermoplastic Composite for Use in Space
In the recently published ‘Development and Mechanical Properties of Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene for In-Space Manufacturing Applications,’ we learn more about materials necessary for building in space; for example, a…
3D Printing on Mars: Creating Habitats with Realistic Materials
In the recently published ‘Martian Material Sourcing Challenges Propel Earth Construction Opportunities,’ authors Matthew Troemner and Gianluca Cusatis tackle the ongoing and fascinating subject of colonizing Mars. Painting a very…
SEArch+ and Apis Cor Take Top Prize in Latest Level of NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Challenge
Since NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Challenge began, it has been fascinating to follow the competition as it moves through its multiple levels and phases. At its inception in 2014 the…
Mars Simulation in Omani Desert to Test 3D Printing for Visit to Red Planet
Mars is our second nearest neighbor in the vast reaches of outer space. As such, it has long been easily visible in the night sky and so the circumstances surrounding…
The ESA Explores 3D Printing on Earth and Beyond
Sometimes when a new technology leaves the laboratory, it goes off to perform its functions in an industrial setting, research facility, or educational institute. Sometimes, though, its installation may be…
Entrepreneur and Startup Advisor Andrew Weinreich Focuses on 3D Printing in Future Homebuilding for Podcast Episode
It took me an embarrassingly long time to finally try listening to a podcast: I’m a fairly visual person, and I didn’t think I would enjoy just sitting and listening…
Northwestern University Researchers 3D Print Flexible Objects with Simulated Lunar and Martian Soil
Just a few days ago, scientists from Fotec revealed that they had 3D printed small structures from simulated Martian soil. The structures, a small conical dwelling and a portion of a wall,…
Tiny 3D Printed Structures from Simulated Martian Soil Could Be a Preview of Bigger Things to Come
Mars is a big topic of conversation right now among aerospace agencies, tech companies, governments, and just about anyone with any interest in space – which is most people, as…
University of Central Florida Professor Works with NASA to Further Develop 3D Printing Plans for Mars
A new space race has emerged as government agencies and private companies around the world strive to be the first to land humans on Mars. While each of these institutions may…
Phase Two of NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Challenge is Now Open for Registration
The thought of humans living in 3D printed habitats on Mars is incredible enough – but the idea that those habitats may be partially designed by average citizens sounds unbelievable….
Learn to Live & Love in Outer Space! 3D Printed Mars City Design Concepts to be Tested in Mojave Desert
I’ve already been back and forth to Mars numerous times, in my mind. Call me a space nut, but this is the current sci-fi fantasy for many, I would imagine….
Selective Separation Sintering: NASA Challenge Leads to an Entirely New 3D Printing Technology for the Moon and Mars
While there are many reasons to push for the development of 3D printing technology in space, the biggest reason is that shipping things to outer space is expensive – really…
NASA Selects the 3D Printed Mars Habitat Challenge Finalists
As NASA focuses on their discovery of liquid water on the surface of Mars, they also took the time to officially select the three winners for phase one of their…
Colonizing Mars With 3D Printed Sfero Habitats Made from Local Materials
Back in May, NASA announced their 3D Printed Habitat Challenge hoping to find some new ideas for potentially creating workable ideas to create functional and safe living spaces suitable for…
3D Printing May be the Next Step for Exploring Mars According to Oklahoma State University
The endgame of 3D printing has always been the ability to completely replace traditional manufacturing methods. We have probably reached the apex of manual labor’s ability to produce products quickly…
Solar Powered 3D Printers on Mars? Researchers Successfully Test Feasibility of Printing Surgical Tools on Red Planet
Space exploration has always been fascinating to me. When I stop and think of just how vast our universe is, it makes me realize how small I actually am. Earth is…
NASA Tests Feasibility of 3D Printing on the Moon & Other Planets Using In-situ Materials and a Really Hot Laser
Recently, we have been hearing of the multiple methods that 3D printing will provide for the construction of buildings and other large structures outside of the earth’s atmosphere. 3D printing (also…
NASA’s In-space 3D Printer Launches Tomorrow – The Unheard of Inside Scoop & Ultimate Goal of 3D Printing on Mars
NASA’s Niki Werkheiser’s prediction for 3D Printing in space within 10 Years: “On Mars building everything from hand tools to radiation shielding habitats – and maybe even the engines you…
NASA Charts Course Towards Manned Mission to Mars With the Help of 3D Printing
It’s been almost 45 years since America was captivated by Neil Armstrong’s first ever step on the Moon. In those 45 years we have made progress within the field of…