3d printed prosthetic

Design a Star Wars Themed e-NABLE Prosthetic Arm and Win an Ultimaker 2+

Over the years e-NABLE has created thousands of 3D printed prosthetic arms for children and adults all over the world. While many of the lucky recipients of e-NABLE devices have…

Cancer Survivors Can Toss Out Uncomfortable Wigs for 3D Printed Hairpieces

Right now 3D printers are whirring away in homes, with design projects in process on desktops around the world. Small business teams set prints up the night before, and engineers…

A Mother’s 2-Year Quest to Help Her Son Finally Pays Off with e-NABLE

I don’t know what kids with missing limbs did before e-NABLE, honestly. I’m astonished by how expensive traditional prosthetic limbs are, particularly for children. It’s no surprise how many parents…

Lost Your Hair? Italian Studio Can 3D Print You a Replacement So Realistic Even You’ll Be Fooled

Hair loss, and the attempts to hide it, seem to be an endless source of comedy in movies and sitcoms. The obvious combover, the obvious toupee, the toupee that falls…

e-NABLE Steps in to Help Young Girl When All Other Solutions Fail

One of the most horrifying things an adult who works with machinery can experience is the loss of a limb in a workplace accident. It happens, though, on farms, in…

8-Year-Old Fire Survivor Safyre Terry Receives 3D Printed Robotic Hand Thanks to UAlbany Students & Faculty

If you’ve had any access to social media over the holiday season, you are probably familiar with the story of Safyre Terry of Schenectady, NY–a young girl who at the…

3D Printing a New Leg So a Duck Can Walk Again

You know the old saying: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it’s a duck…with a 3D printed replacement leg. Or at least…

Five-Year-Old Chinese Boy Rides His Bike Again After Receiving 3D Printed Hand

Amidst being quite knowledgeable about the challenges that many others face, it’s only human to take many things for granted. From having good food on the dinner table every night…

Working to Enable the Future through 3D Printing in East Africa

When being bombarded with the latest evidence of humanity’s nasty and brutish side, it can be hard to remember that there are gleaming moments among the trash. The news media…

Novabeans Engineers Create 3D Printed Ear for Child

If you have paid any attention to Hollywood for the last 20 years, you are very familiar with the amazing miracles that can be worked through modern cosmetic surgery. Things are…

Giving Ei Chi the Hand She Needs Through 3D Printing

Most people have a hand that they heavily favor. For about ninety percent of the world, the right hand is dominant. It can sometimes seem that the weaker hand is hardly…

Engineer in Brazil 3D Prints & Personally Delivers e-NABLE Hand Prosthetics to Children

When we talk about helping, making a difference, or donating money or things–most promises and efforts seem to pale in comparison with the assistance e-NABLE programs provide–and the impacts they are…

Veteran Uses a 3D Printer to Create a Replica of the Bullet that Paralyzed Him

There really aren’t any rules to what type of therapy to give to someone after a traumatic event. There are certainly physical needs that will have to be met, and…

OpenBionics Affordable Bionic Hand is Selected as a Hackaday Prize Semifinalist

For this year’s Hackaday Prize prospective entrants were challenged to develop a project or idea that would help solve the problems that matter to everyone. While that may be a…

New Unique 3D Printable Arm, The Printhesis, Wins James Dyson Award

Go back just a decade or two and when the phrase ‘prosthetic arm’ or ‘prosthetic hand’ came to mind, most individuals likely envisioned a hook-like device attached to a socket….

Malamute Puppy Gets New Lease on Life with 3D Printed Prosthetic Leg

When Yogo was born, there was something different about her than all the other puppies in her litter: she suffers from congenital atrophy in her right front leg causing it…

3D Printed Assistive Device Created as a Journey in Self-Acceptance

When Cornelius Quiring was three years old, he went out with his father to help his uncles harvest the season’s cotton. While he was standing on the outside deck of the…

Designer Creates 3D Printed Elbow & Upper Arm Prosthetic With Hand Actuation for Boy Without Elbow

While we’ve reported on e-NABLE countless times, with the latest being their new e-NABLE Community Foundation, as well as ongoing activities like assisting parents in taking on the 3D printing…

Five Year Old With 3D Printed Hand Throws Out First Pitch for the Baltimore Orioles

While watching five-year-old Hailey Dawson stride out to the Baltimore Orioles pitcher’s mound you can’t help but notice how nonchalant she is about the whole experience. After effortly tossing out the…

Beautiful White Pelican Receives New Beak Thanks to 3D Printing Technology

3D printing has gradually made its way into the medical field. We’ve seen it used in numerous ways over the past few years to aid in the recovery of both…

Parents 3D Print Five Prosthetic Hands from e-NABLE for 8-Year-Old with Symbrachydactyly

There’s nothing more inspirational than seeing parents go all out to try to make something right for their child, to improve their quality of life–and to see them succeed. While…

YouBionic On Pace for Human Trials of 3D Printed Bionic Hand By Years End

The YouBionic 3D printed prosthetic is one of those amazing innovations that we’ve had the privilege to watch evolve for some time now. Beginning as a more rudimentary concept and then…

Notbroken: 3D Printed Arm Brace Soon to Get Biker Back on Track–and Biking on Mountainous Terrain

Many of us are somewhat envious of the mountain biker’s spirit, whether they are riding in spectacular groups, circling up inclines showing off muscular strength many of us will never…

Report Highlights the Disruptive Potential of 3D Printing Sports Equipment for Athletes With Disabilities

Howard K. Brodwin says he and his firm have just completed a project at the UCLA Anderson School of Management which was focused on how 3D printing technology can be…