3d printed prosthesis
Australian Man Receives 3D Printed Titanium Jaw Prosthesis
When it comes to 3D printing, it seems like small tidbits of history are being made all the time, as the “first of its kind” feats continue to roll in. …
Nu Hand – A 3D Printed Anatomically Correct Prosthetic Hand Hits Kickstarter
One of the most interesting uses for 3D printing technology over the past couple of years has been that of creating prosthetic hands. There are literally hundreds or perhaps even…
Little Girl Born Without a Nose Has One Built for Her Thanks to 3D Printing
3D printed prostheses have been coming to the aid of many children over the past couple of years. This can clearly be seen in the hundreds of 3D printed hands…
Working Bionic 3D Printed Wolverine Claws are Here!
I have seen working tools 3D printed in space. I have seen 3D printed brain tissue develop neurons that fire just like a real brain. I have seen a 3D…
Google Awards e-NABLE With a $600,000 Grant to 3D Print Prosthetic Hands
If there is one sub-category within the 3D printing space that we have covered the most over the past year and a half, it would probably be the 3D printing…
Colombia’s Cocreat3D Unveils Their Stylish Prosthetic Arm Prototypes
While working 3D printed hands and mechanical limb replacements have been getting a lot of attention lately, in reality they aren’t really for everyone or for every situation. Motorized prostheses…
Chinese Doctors Successfully Use 3D Printing for Major Hip Replacement Surgery
The medical uses of 3D printing are continuing to grow at a rapid rate. Whether it is using the technology to actually 3D print prostheses, or using it to create…
The Most Realistic 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Yet! – Steve Wood’s Flexy-Hand Filaflex Remix
When it comes to prosthetic hands and arms, 3D printing has been making a huge impact, especially when we talk about accessibility for children and teenagers. Children are at a…
Sub $300 exiii handiii 3D Printed Open Source Bionic Hand is Controlled by a Smartphone
As time goes by and technology improves, we are constantly seeing prices for previously groundbreaking technology fall to levels which allow for the adoption of this technology by the masses. 3D…
Students Create a 3D Printed Prosthetic Biker Leg, Electricity Generator, & More at 24-Hour 3DPrintathon
“Why should 3D printing be in schools?” That’s a question I find myself having to answer over and over in response to questions posed by educators and school administrators who…
One-Handed Boy Plays One Heck of a Guitar Thanks to Custom 3D Printed Prosthesis
If we were to go back in time just 10 years, most of us would probably not have ever envisioned a person with only one hand playing a guitar — at…
Flexy-Hand 2 – Filaflex Remix: 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Looks and Moves Like the Real Thing
I couldn’t count how many different stories we have done on 3D printed prosthetic hands. Most of these stories have come our way from various e-NABLE members. e-NABLE is a group…
3D Printed Prosthetic Legs Give Derby the Dog Full Mobility & New Lease on Life
3D printing is such an amazing technology. In the past 2-3 years we have really seen the technology make its way into all fields of study and all walks of…
Scout Troops to Assemble 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands for Syrian War-Wounded Children
In the past, we have covered numerous stories about a group of hard working volunteers, called e-NABLE. These volunteers spend countless hours designing and 3D printing prosthetic hands and arms…
YouBionic – The 3D Printed Robotic Controlled Prosthetic Hand is One Step Closer to Reality
Back in July, we covered a company called YouBionic, who was looking to create a 3D printed bionic, Arduino-controlled prosthetic hand. At that time they were still working on the…
Illinois Students Target Developing Nations with 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Which Learns Users’ Movements
Here we go again! Another story about a 3D printed prosthetic hand. It seems as though every few days there is another interesting new 3D printed prosthesis coming about; whether…
Laser Beaming, Thruster Equipped, Voice Controlled 3D Printed Prosthetic Iron Man Hand
One of the up-and-coming technological advancements that we have seen, thanks to 3D printing, has been the huge influx of 3D printable prosthetic hands for children and adults in need….
229 Newly Designed Prosthetic Hands are 3D Printed by Volunteers for Landmark Event this Sunday
Every time I write a story about the volunteer group e-NABLE, I get goosebumps running down my spine, and tears begin forming in my eyes. It’s stories like these that…
Incredibly Small 3D Printed Middle Ear Prosthesis is Achieved on a 3D Systems Printer
3D printing has been providing various forms of prosthetic devices such as fingers, hands, arms and legs for a short time now, mostly due to the fact that it is affordable,…