3d print education
3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: March 24, 2024
We’ve got a very busy week of webinars and events, starting with Global Industrie Paris and a members-only roundtable for AM Coalition. Stratasys will continue its advanced in-person training and…
Commercial & Defense 3D Printing at the Point of Need with SPEE3D
Australian OEM SPEE3D, which specializes in cold spray metal additive manufacturing (AM) solutions that work under extreme conditions, is one of the more interesting companies in the AM industry right…
Learn Design Software with Pros in Our Online Crash Course
3DPrint.com is offering an online one-week crash course on Design Essentials for 3D Printing starting October 23 — and you’re not going to want to miss it. Over the course…
Interview with Gina Scala of Stratasys on 3D Printing in Education
Gina Scala is in charge of marketing Stratasys’ education efforts. She also is in charge of marketing the company’s entry-level F123 series 3D printers.The education market is huge for 3D…
Public FabLab with 3D Printing Center of Excellence Inaugurated in Jordan
FabLabs are small workshops where members can go to work on digital fabrication projects, taking advantage of the space’s technology, which often includes 3D printers and CNC machines, among others….
3DPrint.com to Offer Online Training Courses in 3D Printing
As the 3D printing industry around the world continues its march forward, cementing major steps in this well-heralded next industrial revolution, vast changes are coming through every aspect of the…
3D Printing for the Whole Family with Parent/Child Workshops & Tutorials from 3D Roundhouse
Technology has often been seen as a barrier to parent-child interaction with the imagined scenario of a child glued to a tablet or a parent unable to put down their…
zSpace and Leopoly Partner to Transform Education with 3D Printing & Virtual Reality
If you were to look ahead 10 or maybe 15 years from now, the education system will likely have undergone a series of seismic changes. As numerous technologies converge, education will…
Second Grade Class Saves 4-Week-Old Chick Named ‘Fighter’ By 3D Printing Her a New Leg
When I was in second grade, I was learning how to write words in a way which were at least somewhat legible, and when leaving school my biggest worry was…
Why Does the Additive Manufacturing Industry Need Training?
No one can miss the rapid advancements in additive manufacturing today and its impact on many industries. While the excitement is ever present, it’s hard to separate and remove the…
Want a 3D Printing Internship? MakerBot Announces Their 2015 Summer Intern Program
Being a 2004 college graduate, I sometimes wish I had been born a decade later, able to take advantage of courses which pertain to new rapidly advancing technologies such as…
3D Heights Academy Launches Kickstarter Campaign For 3D Printing Online Training Academy
In talking with a friend lately whose kids are a couple of science whiz kids, she mentioned to me that they had become interested in 3D printing and before purchasing…
The Great Globe Project: 10.5 Million Piece, 420 ft Wide, 3D Printed Model of Earth
We have seen so many incredible collaborative efforts involving 3D printing over the last couple of years. Desktop 3D printers are limited in that only objects of a certain size…
Stimulating Minds: 3D Printing Shines As A Learning Tool
Giving high-school students access to 3D design and printing equipment seems to have a profound, positive effect on learning and communication, according to a pilot study in Greece. The project…
Dyson Funding Program Brings Whizz-Bang Equipment, Including 3D Printers, to Secondary Schools
When it came to the attention of The James Dyson Foundation that students were dropping out of design and technology courses at the GCSE (General Certificate in Secondary Education)…
M.Lab21 to Move Shop Class into the 21st Century with 3D Printing and Scanning Tech
Two hundred high school industrial arts and vocational education programs will be getting an update in the coming years through a pilot initiative introducing the latest additive manufacturing technologies. The…
3D Systems Enters the Education Space With Their MAKE.DIGITAL Initiative
Education and 3D printing go together like peanut butter and futuristic jelly, which people haven’t tried yet, but once they do, will love it. Every technology has to be helped…