subtractive and additive processes

Meltio and Partners to Launch New Hybrid CNC Machines

A new hybrid CNC machine with integrated additive and subtractive capabilities could soon hit the market, thanks to a collaboration between three companies. Spanish wire-laser metal technology manufacturer Meltio has…

RIT Uses Optomec’s LENS 3D Printing Process to Fix Metal Gear Shaft

The complexity possible through 3D printing is especially helpful for making specific replacement parts, and incorporating the technology is a good way to provide excellent customer service for those who…

3D Printing News Briefs: January 30, 2018

As January comes to a close, we’ve got all the latest 3D printing news wrapped up for you in one location with today’s edition of 3D Printing News Briefs. Rize…

Additive Manufacturing Isn’t the Whole Answer: Why Hybrid Technologies Are the Future of Manufacturing

Obviously here at we think 3D printing is the bee’s knees; additive manufacturing techniques are finding their way into nearly every area of production, having started in the 1980s…

Additive Manufacturing — The Year Ahead

When Neil Burns founded Croft Filters with his brother Mark, 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM), was still the stuff of science fiction. Fast forward 28 years and not only have the…

Fabrisonic: Sound Waves are Building 3D Metal Prints Through Both Additive & Subtractive Processes

With 3D printing, just when you think you’ve seen it–or heard it–all, something else takes its place in the forefront immediately, proving you wrong. While we have followed numerous, and very…