
SparkFun Project Details How to 3D Print Plastic LED-Filled Modules on Nylon Fabric

Every engineer and designer knows that experimenting is important when it comes to trying new things – you can’t just expect to ace new skills on the first go. A…

Inexpensive Robot with Open Source, 3D Printed Components Cracks a Safe in 30 Minutes at Hacker Convention

While the 3D printed, PIN-protected door lock by HPI looks cool, I’m pretty sure that a determined thief would find a way to get past it. The 3D printed, heavy…

3D Printed Geiger Counter is Integral to its Creator’s Work

Maker Conrad Farnsworth’s recent contribution to MakerBot’s Thingiverse is pretty unusual as projects go. In fact, it’s doubtful that there is widespread demand for Farnsworth’s 3D-printed Geiger counter, but the…

Qualcomm’s 3D Printed Micro Rover Controlled by Smartphones

In 1985, seven friends sat down together to talk about ways in which they could create quality communication systems. Since then, the company they formed has opened offices in more…