
BellaSeno Completes Two Clinical Trials on 3D Printed Resorbable Breast Implants

German firm BellaSeno, which is focused on 3D-printed resorbable breast implants for both augmentation and lumpectomy, has completed two clinical trials for resorbable breast implants. These trials represent the first-ever…

BellaSeno Moves into Trauma Care with 3D Printed Patient-specific Bone Scaffold

BellaSeno, already exploring significant opportunities with its custom resorbable breast implants entering clinical trials, is expanding its scope. The company has received market approval for its bone scaffold product and…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: Cushions, Open Source Five Axis and a Novel 3D Printing Tech

A Swiss foundation is working wit a patient group to make a 3D printed cushion for paraplegics and other long term wheelchair users. They are making a cushion that is…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: Disposable 3D Printed Clay, Insect PLA and Antimicrobial Ferroelectric Composites

After Olivier van Herpt, Unfold Studio and others there is a new 3D printing clay effort in town. The Berlin based startup Geastar says that it 3D prints bowls made…


3D Printed Breast & Chest Implants Enter Clinical Trials

Medtech company BellaSeno GmbH, headquartered in Leipzig, Germany, with its BellaSeno Pty subsidiary in Brisbane, Australia, specializes in the development of resorbable soft tissue and bone reconstruction implants, made with…

ETH Zurich Develops Bioresorbable 3D Printed Airway Stent

ETH Zurich, along with University Hospital Zurich and the University of Zurich, have developed a bioresorbable airway stent. The custom made stents are 3D printed using digital light processing (DLP)…

Improving Polymers: 3D Printing Polycaprolactone with Gum Rosin and Beeswax Additives

Researchers from Spain and Ecuador are focused on nature-driven materials for digital fabrication, outlining their findings in the recently published ‘New Materials for 3D-Printing Based on Polycaprolactone with Gum Rosin…

Beijing University of Chemical Technology: 3D Printed HA/PCL Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

3D printed bone scaffolds used for tissue engineering purposes need to have a good amount of mechanical strength, since the scaffold needs to be able to provide support for the…

Bioprinting 101: How to Bioprint at Home

Bioprinted Hydrogels Bioprinting is an exciting area to follow as it invigorates the ideas of Frankenstein and a bunch of other sci-fi scenarios that make us slightly paranoid. So how…

3D Bioprinting Research Could Result in Replacement Cartilage for Curing Arthritis

One out of ten people will suffer from arthritis in their lifetime. Arthritis is caused by the breakdown of the cartilage tissue in a person’s joints. This breakdown leads to…

New Elastic Biodegradable Hydrogel Could Help 3D Print Human Soft Tissue in the Future

Last year, Dr. Yi Hong, a Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), received an R21 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop materials for making…

Johns Hopkins Researchers Develop 3D Printable Bones Using Real Bone Cells

According to Johns Hopkins researchers, every year due to birth defect, trauma or cancer, more than 200,000 people will need replacement bones in their face or skull. Typically, doctors would…

3D Printed Scaffolding Implant Used to Help Realign Patient’s Eyes After Tumor Removal

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you are aware that 3D printing of medical implants and devices is not such a rare thing anymore; what is, however, still…