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AM Drilldown: Opportunities for 3D Printing in Canada

According to Credit Suisse (PDF), Canada is the ninth wealthiest nation on the planet, representing about 2.4 percent of the globe’s riches. Though it falls far below the U.S. (30…

2022 Predictions: 3D Printing Metals and New Materials

3D printing materials are a key component in 3D printing. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of large metal and polymer companies pile into the market. These…

Each Part a Material: 3D Printing to Modify Material Properties

I’ve mentioned this before in passing, but I think that the point is important enough to devote an entire post to it. With 3D printing, we can control, to a…

Interview with ExOne CTO Rick Lucas on Metal Binder Jetting for Manufacturing

Over the past years, hype has been building over binder jetting metal. Fanned by Desktop Metal’s startup flames, both HP and GE should be launching binder jet machines soon. But…