maker movement
Does 3D Printing Herald the Democratization of Manufacturing?
The idea of democratization, broadly defined as giving power and access to the general public, is often applied to fields experiencing major shifts. Enter 3D printing, a technology brimming with…
Combatting Planned Obsolescence with 3D Printing: Who Owns Your Things?
John Deere is suing customers, claiming that they cannot be allowed to repair the tractors that they bought. Monsanto (now Bayer) has deemed that it is okay to buy seeds…
The Maker Movement Unmade? Part 7: Make: Community Responds
To conclude our series on the transformation of the maker movement, we’re going full circle to the place that inspired this series in the first place: Make: Community (previously known…
The Maker Movement Unmade? Part 4: Attack of the Clones
Read parts one, two and three of this series. Determining a definitive cause of the economic misfortunes of some companies in the open source hardware and maker spaces might prove…
The Maker Movement Unmade? Part 2: The Roots of the Maker Movement
With the shaky ground that Maker Media (now Make: Community) stands on, this author was prematurely ready to signal the end of the maker movement. However, we have already received…
The Maker Movement Unmade? Part 1: Maker Media
For those of us who were drawn into the world of 3D printing because of the seemingly limitless possibilities of open source hardware, there may be a sense that, in…
X-Carve Demo with Inventables
This is a brief article on my experience of demoing the X-Carve machine along with the Easel software integrated with it.
Interview with Mark Wrigley of Elektric-Works
Inspired by the Apollo moon landings, Mark Wrigley embarked on a career in physics in the early 1970s. In 2011 he set up his own company; Elektric-Works which explores the way disruptive technology and making can empower individuals and start ups.
Make All the Things Part 2: DIY Products
This is a short intro article to different resources a maker has for creating. DIY is a great thing with the amount of resources the internet provides for us. It is crucial to point others in the right direction.
Interview with Zach Kaplan of Corazon Capital, mHUB and Inventables
This is a short inteview with the Founder and CEO of Inventables, Zach Kaplan. It goes into the thoughts on digital manufacturing as well as the maker movement.
The Entrepreneurial and Maker Community
This is a short article on the maker movement, entrepreneurial activity, and the global market economy as a whole. The means of production are important for any future economy, and makers may have the tools for it.
3D Printing News Briefs: November 7, 2017
We’ve got a lot of 3D printing business news heading your way in today’s edition of 3D Printing News Briefs, followed by a 3D printing event, a 3D printed work…
DK and MatterHackers Host Sweepstakes to Promote 3D Printing Projects Book
3D printing is a growing field and it’s growing faster than most people imagine. According to a 2015 study by Wohlers Report, the 3D printing industry is expected to generate…
“Father of the Maker Movement” Visits Turkey Innovation Week, Gets a 3D Printed Selfie
If you’ve never heard of Dale Dougherty, you’re almost certainly familiar with his work. Dougherty is the founder and chairman of Maker Media, the corporation behind Make: Magazine and Maker Faire….
Papa John’s Has a Thingiverse Page! 3D Printing Enthusiasts Wonder if This Sets a Worrisome Precedent
For 3D printing enthusiasts, Thingiverse has become a great place to show off designs, ask for feedback, offer modifications to the designs of others, and collaboratively develop new inventions through its…
Printrbot Founder Brook Drumm on Superpowers and (Un)making
In 2011, maker extraordinaire Brook Drumm was struck by lightning and became a superhero. Well, okay, only metaphorically, but his transformation from self-styled do-it-yourselfer to Printrbot Man was no less…
Print+ Creates Rocking 3D Print Headphones Kit for Easy DIY
To be involved in making, you don’t have to be the type of person who can build a 3D printer from scratch, recycle milk containers into filament, and wield a…
Bangkok Hosts Thailand’s First 3D Printing & Innovation Contest
There are a number of 3D printing contests and challenges going on around the world at any given time, but in the past month there was one that was particularly…
Barbie Joins the 3D Printing & Maker Movements
Since the introduction of Barbie in 1959, America’s most loved (and hated) doll has gone through a variety of careers and hobbies in keeping with changes in the interests of…
The ‘Maker Movement’: Clint O’Connor Creates 3D Printed Pinhole Cameras
Some people see the world as it is; others see it as it could be. Clint O’Connor, a retired engineer with an impressive career behind him, is among the ‘Maker Movement,’…