This Artist is 3D Printing Philadelphia One City Block at a Time
You might remember Doctor Octoroc as the guy who built a large model of the city of Philadelphia out of 20,000 LEGO pieces. It is quite an impressive build, not…
LEGO Expert Builds Incredible RC Boat with 3D Printed Propellers
Before 3D printing, there were Lego blocks! More than likely if you were born after 1947, you probably had and played with Lego blocks at some point in your life….
Superhero Minifigs! Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor Now Available in 3D Printed Lego Form
I currently have a two year old son, a little boy who loves to get dirty, play with toy cars and jump into puddles. He also loves his building blocks,…
This LEGO Tractor is Constructed Entirely of 3D Printed Parts
We have seen 3D printed LEGO parts before, but when those parts are printed using a standard FDM 3D printer they are rarely ideal building blocks. Unfortunately the resolution on…
This Bricasso LEGO Printer Will Change Everything
There are few toys as beloved across the world as the brick building sets made by LEGO. Since the 1940s when a Dutch company started selling the early precursor to…
Exploring 3D Printed Form with Magnetic Bisymmetric Hendecahedrons
In addition to being my top choice for the name of my next band, Magnetic Bisymmetric Hendecahedrons is just one set of 3D printed magnetic manipulables created by Walter Hsiao and…
Euroreprap Railroad Collection is Completely 3D Printed
A new Instructables project doesn’t simply feature 3D printing as a major component; it is the the only component. That is, the Euroreprap Railroad Collection (and System) is completely 3D…
BlueBrick Studios Creates a 3D Printer Made of Legos Which Prints Using Only Legos
Out of the hundreds of different 3D printers we have seen over the last several years, probably some of the most interesting ones are those constructed almost entirely out of…
‘Monomateriality’ — Student Creates Amazing Art With Handheld Lego 3D Printer
In what is truly a statement of raw art, today we’re taking a look at a rather progressive project put together by industrial design student Vimal Patel, a New Zealander who lives…
Build Your Own 3D Printer from Lego Blocks & EV3 Servo Motors
Everyone has to start somewhere, they say — and that’s especially true for those in the maker movement. Every maker remembers his or her first build as a monumental achievement,…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — February 14, 2015
This week’s stories we didn’t cover emphasize the technical and international sides of 3D printing with stories about the 3D printers and design software featured at international trade exhibits in Munich and Brunei. Also,…
Brooklyn School Kids’ Tech Project on Gentrification Features 3D Printed Homes
Combined efforts to keep elementary school children in the technological development loop transformed a grade school science project into a collaborative venture that fused science, technology (including 3D printing and…
RC-Brick — 3D Printing & Smartphones Make Legos Even More Fun
If you’re a parent of young children and you have a smartphone, then you’re probably all too familiar with the apparently irresistible appeal of the smartphone where kids are concerned….
Lego X — 3D Print & Save Your Lego Creations the Way You Intended Them to Be
Growing up I probably had about 3,000 Lego bricks. When my parents bought me a new set, I wouldn’t keep all the Legos of that set together, and instead I…
Free 3D Printable Adapters Allow Kids To Connect Legos, K’Nex, Tinkertoys and 7 Other Construction Sets
Almost every child growing up has at least one type of construction set, usually several different types. I remember having probably 20 different Lego sets, a Tinkertoy set, and a…
Lego Awarded 3D Printing Patent, May Allow Users to Print Own Bricks
Lego has been one of those companies which has been able to grow despite technological changes, which have forced them to often rearrange their entire business model to some degree….