John Wilczynski


MMX 2024: America Makes State of the Union & Operations Update

I always view the annual America Makes Members Meeting & Exchange (MMX) as my unofficial start to the additive manufacturing (AM) industry’s conference cycle. However, it’s a very different vibe than the…


MMX 2023: 3D Printing at the CORE of America Makes

In our previous article, we discussed updates to America Makes, including to its executive committee, as well as the state of the organization. The flagship additive manufacturing (AM) institution also…


MMX 2023: America Makes Evolves with the 3D Printing Industry

At  the annual America Makes Members Meeting & Exchange (MMX) in Youngstown, Ohio this month, presentations and panels covered everything from advanced manufacturing in the DoD and AM propulsion applications…

MMX 2022: Ask America Makes Anything about 3D Printing

America Makes is the United States’ leading public-private partnership for additive manufacturing (AM) technology and education, working to not only accelerate adoption of the technology in the country, but also to…


MMX 2022: Celebrating 10 Years of America Makes & 3D Printing in Ohio

America Makes is the United States’ leading public-private partnership for additive manufacturing (AM) technology and education, working to not only accelerate adoption of the technology in the country, but also…

3DPOD Episode 112: America Makes Executive Director John Wilczynski

John Wilczynski is the Executive Director of America Makes. Established a decade ago, America Makes performs research coordination, workforce training and education, standards development, and more for the additive manufacturing…

America Makes Announces $10 Million Research Project for Refining the Efficiency of Air Force Aircraft Part Replacement

From a press conference held at Youngstown State University (YSU), America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, announced a new Directed Project Opportunity to improve US Air Force sustainment…