
GE & NRI Bring 3D Printed Flowers to Bus Stops Across Chicago

General Electric is one of those companies who have been representative of America since they were founded back in 1892. They have continued to be a mainstay towards the top of…

GE and Stratasys to Crowdsource and 3D Print Your Innovations at FirstBuild Microfactory

And the whole world comes together at FirstBuild to make your next dreamy kitchen gadget…with Stratasys 3D printers and crowdsourced brainpower. That’s right—technology giants GE and Stratasys are getting in on the fun with a…

GE is Giving Away Twelve 3D Printed Jet Engines…. or you can Print Your own Today!

General Electric has been known as one of the larger corporations in the world that currently uses 3D printing in the creation of not just prototypes, but of final products…

GE Partners with MakerBot in Attempt to Crowd-Source Future Smart Appliances

Back in March, General Electric and Local Motors announced a new crowd-sourcing platform, called FirstBuild, which was created in order to utilize the talents of designers, makers, engineers and students around…

GE to Add New Advanced Manufacturing Works Facility Featuring Additive Manufacturing

As advancements continue in 3D printing, particularly that of laser sintering, we are seeing major investments within the aerospace industries, as well as several other areas which rely on highly…

General Electric to Expand 3D Printing Manufacturing – Invests $100 million

Every day we hear more news about the 3D printing industry’s growth.  Today we got word that General Electric’s Oil and Gas Division will begin using metal laser sintering technology…