
A Drone Lifeguard With a 3D Printed Mounting Platform — The Ryptide

They call it Project Ryptide, and it’s an accessory setup for aerial drones capable of delivering an automatically-inflating life preserver to a swimmer in distress in mere seconds. The project…

Rotor DR1 Takes Drone-Based Web Series to the Big Screen & Plans to Release 3D Printed Drones for Fans

Science fiction television series are all the hit nowadays, with shows like The Walking Dead becoming world-wide phenomena. It’s just something about science fiction that makes us think and wonder…

Independent New Samsung Team to Explore 3D Printing, Robotics, Internet of Things

As many overseas electronics companies have struggled to keep their heads above water since the decline of the VCR, coupled with economic crises, Samsung has remained a solid role model…

Aerialtronics Uses 3D Printing to Streamline Operations for Their Data Collection Drones

If you see a drone fly over your house, you want to shoot it down. Admit it. You do. But you won’t and you’d better get used to the idea…

3D Printed Drones May Help Save Endangered Wildlife

It seems like the 3D printing space is far from the home of the world’s remaining rhinoceros population, but thanks to the sense of urgency motivating the Wildlife Conservation Unmanned Aerial…

BAE Systems Unveils Concepts of On-Board Aircraft 3D Printers Able to Print Incredible UAVs During a Mission

Drones and 3D Printing. They go together like mashed potatoes and gravy. Well maybe not quite as well, but without 3D printers, the entire drone community would certainly be a…

3D Printed Drones, An Emerging Trend

Two of the most exciting, eye-opening, yet controversial technologies of the current times are 3D printing and drone technology. Both have the potential to really springboard humanity forward in a massive…