dlp 3d printing

The Carima C-CAT DLP 3D Printer Can Print at a Blistering 1cm Per Minute

When people say that 3D printing is a fast solution, it is, of course, a relative definition of fast. Traditional manufacturing and fabrication techniques can be clocked at speeds far…

Texas Instruments Releases New Chipsets for DLP SLA 3D Printing, Offers Superior Resolution, Speed & Affordability

Powerful. Efficient. These are two adjectives often associated with new products enticing us to buy something new in 3D printing.  You may be surprised though–and impressed–to discover that that these…

Dymax Oligomers May Be Limited in Molecules But Offer Infinite 3D Printing Success with Resin

While your design project centers around creativity and innovation, for the 3D printer using resin, it’s all about the chemistry in the materials–and coming from Dymax Oligomers & Coatings, that…

Snow White & Deep Black: FunToDo Answers Growing Needs in Resin Monochrome 3D Printing

FunToDo is a resin supplier committed to providing both affordability and quality. They also keep up with market trends, and know their customers, which is the sign of a great…

mUVe 3D’s FlexVat Resin 3D Printing Reservoir Allows for Hundreds of Prints, Replaceable Components

When it comes to 3D printing, the focus is on the reservoir, as it is from this central area that all 3D models are born. Holding the pool of liquid…

MoonRay, The UV DLP 3D Printer is Launched on Kickstarter by SprintRay

Last October we reported on a startup company called SprintRay and the launch of their StarRay SLA 3D printer. Since then I have had the opportunity of meeting with Amir…

Texas Instruments Announces High-Resolution DLP9000 & DLP6500 Chipsets for 3D Printing

When you think of Dallas-based semiconductor designer and manufacturer Texas Instruments (NASDAQ: TXN), you likely get flashbacks to middle and high school math classes where you had to use a TI graphing…