When it comes to 3D printing, the focus is on the reservoir, as it is from this central area that all 3D models are born. Holding the pool of liquid polymer, your project takes shape before your eyes like magic. All that can come to a screeching halt though if you are having issues with having to constantly replace the non-stick coating or worry about replacing the entire reservoir itself.
3D printing with resin-based materials is popular with many 3D printing enthusiasts who want to exploit their creativity while moving away from the traditional FDM processes as well. It’s a great way to 3D print models with smooth surfaces and fine detail all the way down to 25 microns–and especially for casting in metal–as well as those you want to produce in larger batches rather than just one prototype. On the down side, you also sometimes have to deal with greater expense, clogging issues, and multiple issues with resin, general messiness, and sticking.
If mUVe 3D has anything to do with it, their FlexVat is going to revolutionize the SLA 3D printing process itself. The flexible bottom reservoir kit will allow you to stop thinking about messy resin issues altogether, as their goal is for you to 3D print hundreds of products before you even think about replacing any part of the reservoir; and even better, print times are cut in half. This should be pretty exciting if you are currently doing a lot of 3D printing with resin and want to keep things simple, easy, and fast.
The FlexVat allows for you to replace the non-stick coating without replacing the whole reservoir, as replacement parts can be ordered directly online from mUVe. Constructed of aluminum and a streched FEP membrane, with this resin reservoir mUVe promises you won’t have any problems with unwanted adhesion as there is no resistance when the print pulls away. The FEP, constructed of a material that is gas permeable, allows oxygen to escape from the FlexVat reservoir, which is what also speeds up your time spent 3D printing.
This product is only compatible with the DLP V1.1 3D printer, which is offered by mUVe 3D as either a prebuilt machine or in a kit. It features a customizable system allowing you to use any projector that you like, or you have the option of ordering it with one of mUVe’s standard projectors. It also includes a metal build plate mount upgrade.
mUVe 3D was founded in 2013 by Dean Piper, a passionate 3D printing enthusiast whose intention in starting the company was to make and sell parts for SLA 3D printers. After years of working with and building 3D printers, Piper began putting his energy into building a company that can make 3D printing with resin accessible to as many as possible. Products like the FlexVat make it a more comfortable, worry-free process as well.
Is FlexVat a product you are interested in using? Have you been dealing with sticking issues and had to replace an entire reservoir? Discuss in the FlexVat Resin 3D Printing Reservoir forum thread over at 3DPB.com.
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