Ten 3D Printable Things: Chocolate, Ice Cube and Jello Molds
This week I found ten fantastic 3D printable molds that can be used to make all sort of fun treats, including chocolates, ice cubes and Jello bites. A few of…
When 3D Printing Isn’t the Best Customization Option, or How Candy Mechanics Learned to Love CNC
We report on all kinds of 3D printers, including metal 3D printers, PCB 3D printers, and perhaps the most novel, food 3D printers. All kinds of food has been 3D printed,…
Katjes Magic Candy Factory Shows Off 3D Sweets Selfies at ICM Confectionery Trade Show
My favorite candy in the entire world is Twizzlers. I’m crazy about them…I get a big package of them every year in my Christmas stocking, and sometimes for my birthday;…
Making the Mold: Baker Perkins Among Confectioners Embracing 3D Technologies for Candy Making
Whimsy can be a very serious business, just ask anyone in the confectionery industry. While many people casually enjoy lollipops and gummy candies, few realize the depths that go into…
Say Hello to the Fully Automatic 3D Printed Skittles Sorter
This is it. It’s finally here. I am, of course, talking about a 3D printed automatic Skittles sorter. No more do you have to cancel plans or cut off ties…
Eat Your Selfie! Makerversity Members Graduate to Launch 3D Printed ‘Candy Mechanics’ Brand
While 3D printing technology may be saving lives, offering unlimited potential in innovation, and generally saving the world, nothing gets people more excited than talking 3D printed food–namely, confections. While…
3D Printing Meets Lollipop Design to Allow You to Create Custom Candy on a Stick
One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology is its ability to allow for complete customization. If you want a toy with your name on it, you can design…
Candy: The First Confectionery-Focused Food 3D Printer, To Launch on Kickstarter Next Week
It’s pretty hard to find a person who doesn’t love cake and other types of confectionery. Whether it’s chocolate, carrot, red velvet, or a plain angel food cake, there is something…
Ford 3D Prints The 2015 Mustang Out Of Chocolate
It seems like everyone is jumping onto the 3D printing bandwagon these days, if only for promotional purposes. Ford is the latest to add their name to the growing list…