Balderton Capital

3D Hubs Announces Infusion of $7 Million with Completion of Series B Financing

The industry of 3D printing is extremely versatile in range, from the titans—companies that have been in business for decades—to startups we only just heard about last week. We have…

From Irkutsk to Idaho: 3D Hubs Now Boasts More Than 10,000 Networked 3D Printers

The idea behind 3D Hubs is simple, yet brilliant, and they say it will literally change the way things are manufactured forever. A 3D printing network for people with models…

3D Hubs Locks Up $4.5 Million in Series-A Financing, Led by Balderton Capital

There are probably close to 200,000-300,000 people worldwide who own 3D printers. This number is partially a guess, and partially based on data released by various manufacturers over the last…