3d printing standards

ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Welcomes Strategic Partner NAMIC, Announces First Round of Projects

About a year ago, international standards organization ASTM International announced that it would be setting up an Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence, and began enlisting partners to help launch the center. The…

Researchers 3D Print Clamping Systems to Cut Down on Slippage During Soft Tissue Testing

When I think about clamps, if I do at all, it’s in terms of holding wood steady in a scene shop while making sets for a play, or keeping two…

America Makes and ANSI Publish Latest Version of Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing

America Makes, the national accelerator for additive manufacturing and 3D printing based in Youngstown, Ohio, began working with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a private non-profit organization, back in early 2016…

European 3D Printing in the Spotlight at Fourth Annual AMEC Event

CECIMO is the European organization that represents several different manufacturing sectors on the continent. Also known as the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, the organization has taken a…

SAE International Releases New Standards for Aerospace 3D Printing

Additive manufacturing might not be brand new anymore, but it’s still new enough that for many industries, standards are still in development. Standards are an important part of any industry,…

ASTM Adds New Metal 3D Printing Standards, Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Partner

Metal 3D printing is an extremely fast-growing sector, and as it grows, the need for standards becomes increasingly important. Metal 3D printed parts are being used in markets such as…

NAVAIR Believes Nearly 1,000 3D Printed Parts Will Be Approved for Fleet Use by Year’s End

The Maryland-based Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) recognizes the many benefits that 3D printing can offer our nation’s fighting forces, and has been working to educate its workforce on the technology,…

America Makes and ANSI Release New Draft Version of 3D Printing Standardization Roadmap for Comment and Review

Two years ago, America Makes, the national accelerator for additive manufacturing and 3D printing driven by the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM), began working with the private non-profit American National…

ASTM International Selects EWI, Auburn University-NASA as Partners for Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence

Toward the end of last year, international standards organization ASTM International announced that it was seeking partners for the creation of an Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence. The organization put out…

DNV GL Has Big Plans for Newly Opened Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence

Last month, quality assurance and risk management company DNV GL opened an additive manufacturing center of excellence in Singapore, as part of its goal to transform the country’s offshore and marine…

NIAR, SAE International Developing New Polymer 3D Printing Standards for the Aerospace Industry

For some time now, Wichita State University (WSU) in Kansas, and specifically its National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), has been working to innovate the aerospace industry by way of…

Boeing and Oerlikon Team Up to Develop Standard Processes for 3D Printed Titanium Aerospace Parts

While titanium is often the metal of choice when it comes to 3D printed implants, the strong, lightweight material also sees great use in manufacturing aircraft components. The aerospace industry is rapidly…

Westinghouse Looks to Advance 3D Printing in the Nuclear Industry

Earlier this year, Siemens made history when it successfully completed the first installation and continuing safe operation of a 3D printed part inside a nuclear power plant. The part was a…

“3D Printing” – What’s in a Name?

I devoted a section of the first chapter of my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”1516946790″ locale=”US” tag=”3dprint09-20″]3D Printing Will Rock the World[/easyazon_link], to what I call “The Name Game.”  My premise: “3D…

UL Study Releases Data on Effects of 3D Printing on Human Health, Calls for New Standards

3D printing is a new enough technology that there’s still plenty of debate about how safe it is, on a number of levels. While some fears may be over-exaggerated, there’s…

Stratasys Tells Us About Their New Expert Services Group to Help Manufacturers Implement 3D Printing

It’s been an incredibly busy month so far for Stratasys, which just a few days ago announced a large-scale collaboration with the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs to create a 3D printing…

America Makes & ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaboration Publishes Completed AM Standardization Roadmap

A little over a year ago, Ohio-based America Makes teamed up with private nonprofit organization American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to form an additive manufacturing regulatory institute, called the America Makes & ANSI…

Lloyd’s Register Energy Partners with TWI to Launch Two Collaborative Global Projects Focused on Industrial Additive Manufacturing Challenges

Toward the end of 2014, Lloyd’s Register Energy (LR) announced a joint industry project (JIP) and asked companies all over the world to come together and discuss the issues manufacturers were dealing with through…

America Makes and ANSI Release Preliminary Final Draft of Additive Manufacturing Standardization Roadmap for Public Feedback

Back in March, America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, partnered up with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to form the America Makes and ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative…

Furthering 3D Printing Worldwide: ISO & ASTM International Create Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure

There’s certainly a lot to be said for getting in at the beginning of something new and amazing like 3D printing—a realm that began with no rules because so few…

America Makes Joins ANSI for the Formation of New Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative

As an industry, 3D printing is still so new that it’s a bit disorganized, relatively speaking. Every industry, however, eventually reaches the point at which standards need to be developed…

Additive Manufacturing — The Year Ahead

When Neil Burns founded Croft Filters with his brother Mark, 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM), was still the stuff of science fiction. Fast forward 28 years and not only have the…

IEEE Introduces New Regulations to Standardize 3D Printing Software Used in Medical Settings

3D printing is becoming a pretty player in the medical industry, with 3D printed prosthetics, surgical models, and implants being used with increasing regularity in hospitals, dental offices, and clinics. With…

Singapore: Underwriters Laboratories to Open Global Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence

Singapore, one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated cities, is a bustling hub for commerce, finance–and if the goals of UL pan out–it will be the home of one…