3d printing in the military
Testing Conducted on Orbital ATK’s Partially 3D Printed Hypersonic Weapon Warhead
The debate over the ethics of 3D printed weaponry just got kicked into high gear with the testing of a partially 3D printed warhead for hypersonic weapons, which is a…
SSC Atlantic Uses 3D Printing for a Little Bit of Everything
3D printing has become a strong presence within the US military, particularly in the Navy, where 3D printers are being used aboard ships. The Navy has 3D printed everything from…
Argonne National Laboratory Researching Metal 3D Printing for Improved Military Applications
The military has been enthusiastically exploring 3D printing applications in a number of areas, from 3D printed drones to submarine hulls. But perhaps the most intriguing applications of 3D printing…
US Marines Mobilize 3D Printing With X-FAB
To make the US Marines an ever-more-agile fighting force and empower Marines of all ranks to innovate and create solutions wherever they may be, the US Marine Corps has developed…
US Marines Successfully Test 3D Printed Containers Packed with Explosive Charges
3D printing technology can undoubtedly be used for good in the military, from surveillance and training to helping in the development of field trauma simulators, from maintaining aging aircraft parts to making 3D…
Air Force Research Laboratory Uses X-Rays to Study 3D Printing Material Properties
The US military has been using 3D printing in myriad ways, applying the technology to everything from submarine hulls to water bottles to drones and much more. Eventually, the Air Force…
Researchers Develop New Type of 3D Printed Wearable Antenna
The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) is located in Thiruvananthapuram, India and is home to several brilliant scientists working in a range of fields of study. Recently, a group of…
US Army 3D Prints Barracks From Locally Sourced Concrete
We’ve been hearing a lot about the US military’s use of 3D printing lately. The Army just released a new report on its use of 3D printing, and just today…
X-FAB: Marines Evaluate Portable 3D Printing Facility for Maintenance Battalions
While it may seem that nearly every type of industry today is making use of 3D printing, this applies to the US military also. And while they may employ creativity…
US Navy and ORNL Team Up to Develop the Military’s First 3D Printed Submarine Hull on the BAAM
3D printing technology is used often in the military these days: the Marine Corps created a 3D printed surveillance drone and are learning to use the technology to solve on-site problems,…
Marines See the Benefit of 3D Printers in Combat Zones
Military troops spend their careers engaged in the overall directive of keeping US citizens safe. In active duty, they may also be engaged in a battle between life and death…
Marines 3D Print Nibbler Drone to Offer Surveillance & Carry Supplies
The Marines have certainly been gaining steam as a force in 3D printing—of the useful sort. We’ve followed their progress, with multiple forays into the technology, even to include the use…
The Next “Mother of All Bombs” May Be Smaller, Lighter and 3D Printed
Last month, the United States dropped a 21,600 pound bomb on a remote area of Afghanistan, attacking a tunnel complex used by Islamic State militants. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast,…
Naval Research Shows 3D Printing Makes JPADS More Accurate and Cost-Effective
The United States Army, Air Force, and Marines have been using aerial delivery systems (ADS) since WWII, so obviously 3D printed drones have major applications in the military – they’re…
3D Printing in the Military
3D printing has many military applications. Militaries around the world have been working on developing 3D printing technologies, using 3D printing for prototypes, developing their own fablabs and using the…
South African Air Force Finds Advantages in 3D Printing
This week, the South African Air Force (SAAF) held its annual Prestige Day Parade at the Air Force Base Waterkloof and named as its most prestigious unit the Air Force…
A Closer Look at the Many Uses for Additive Manufacturing & Augmented Reality in America’s Military Forces
3D printing and additive manufacturing are reshaping the military in America, and in other countries as well. Marines in California took a short class in 2016 about how to best…
Defence IQ Study Suggests 75% of Military Professionals Believe 3D Printing Will Be Standardized
Military research, analysis and commentary company Defence IQ revealed in a recent study presented via infographic that over 28% of surveyed military professionals and stakeholders are actively looking into the development and implementation of…
European Defence Agency Launches Project to Test Feasibility of Additive Manufacturing in Europe’s Defense Sector
We know that 3D printing is versatile and and extremely useful to many industries, including branches of the military. Marines are learning how to utilize the technology in order to…
Providing Opportunities for Marines to Use 3D Printing
The Marines are never ones to shy away from new opportunities in hands-on problem solving. They have a strong history of making, including The Seabees, a famed construction battalion responsible for…
DON COOL Hub Allows Navy & Marines to Up Their Skill Sets with 3D Printing
With the wide range of 3D printing innovations being introduced on a continual basis, it’s possible—but doubtful—you could have missed out on all that’s being put to use by the…
Marine Corps Developing 3D Printed Munitions for Greater Precision
In yet another example of 3D printing’s versatility, the Marines were able to print and then detonate an indirect fire munition as part of their exploration of the technology’s capacity for…
US Army Scientists Showcase Multi-Material 3D Printing and Other Technological Advancements
When it comes to advancing the state of our 3D printing technology, one of the primary sectors that prompt this innovation is the military sector, particularly that of the United…
Donald Trump Also Thinks 3D Printing is Important
This week, something happened that may very well have been a historic moment: President Obama and Donald Trump agreed on something. In fairness, they may have agreed on other things…