3d organ printing
3D Printing News Briefs, February 27, 2022: Business, Simulation, Research, & More
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re starting with a little business, before moving on to simulation, software, research, and more. HBD Metal 3D Printer closed a $60 million round…
New Study Discusses Unmet Clinical Needs Being Addressed by 3D Printing
3D printing continues to make a huge impact on the medical field – the evidence more than speaks for itself. But this important work is not done yet. A team…
Aether Announces New Developments for Its AI-Powered 3D Medical Imaging Software
A little over a month ago, 3D bioprinting startup Aether, based in San Francisco with a new University of California location at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, released its latest announcement….
Aether Announces New AI 3D Medical Imaging Software, Partnership with Harvard Medical School to Advance Organ 3D Printing
In 2016, San Francisco technology startup Aether introduced its extraordinary Aether 1 3D bioprinter, which was touted as being able to do just about everything but make you a sandwich. Beta…
Researchers Use 3D Printing to Create Organoids for Drug Testing in Monitored Body-On-A-Chip System
An organ-on-a-chip is a micro physiological system – a small cell culture chip that can mimic the structure and function of living human tissue. Organs-on-chips are helpful in terms of drug testing,…
Bioprinting Organs: Researchers Create Less Expensive Bioink Based in 3D Printed Gelatin Hydrogels
3D printed hydrogels have had many different applications in the medical field, from delivering precise doses of medicine and making custom meniscus implants to engineering tissue so that in the…
GE Healthcare Researching Ways to 3D Print Medical Models With the Touch of a Button
About two years ago, GE Healthcare teamed up with Arterys to develop an MRI scanning technology that displays images of a patient’s heart in seven dimensions. While that is an…
Technology Isn’t Just For The Good Guys: What Happens When Black Marketeers Start Churning Out Bioprinted Organs?
Allowing people to become desperate is a very dangerous thing. Yet, as economies suffer and governments fail at helping their citizens sufficiently—whether they could or not—many individuals are forced to…
Understanding the Fundamentals of the 3D Bioprinting Space
For medicine, bioprinting is a necessity and an inevitability. The demand for organs will undoubtedly continue to climb with the global median age. Yet what hurdles lie in the way…
Researcher Believes 3D Printing May Lead to the Creation of Superhuman Organs Providing Humans with New Abilities
Evolution is what got us here today, if you accept the scientific approach to our creation. It was processes such as ‘survival of the fittest’ which led us, as well…
Why MakerBot’s Bre Pettis Thinks Driverless Cars Will Stimulate Innovation Within 3D BioPrinting
Probably one of the few promising new technologies which can arouse a crowd as easily as 3D printing can, would be driverless cars. We all have heard by now that Google…