3d design

Meshmixer 2.8 Merges with the Autodesk 123D Family

If you know anything at all about designing in three dimensions on a computer in the past few decades, then you’ve probably heard of AutoCAD. For the uninitiated, CAD is…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — January 31

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and it’s best you start thinking about what you will give to that special someone this year. This week’s 3D printing news provides some…

A Poetics of Failure: Sophie Kahn Uses 3D Printing to Challenge the Digital Era

In the mid-’90s I attended Philosophy graduate school when something called “deconstruction” was all the rage. In a nutshell, deconstruction criticizes a Western philosophical assumption that the natural and social worlds are objective…

MCAD’s “Beyond the Buzz” Digital Fabrication Exhibit Featuring 3D Printed Art Opens Today

While there is much emphasis on the technical side of 3D printing, as we tend to be enamored by all things technological these days, the stunning visual displays facilitated by…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — January 17

2015 is well underway, with the Consumer Electronics Show‘s news so last week, and a stream of new stories that continue to captivate us regarding 3D printing’s evolution as an…

3D Printed Barbie Chariot, Pulled by Cat, Featured in New Kickstarter Campaign

In any of the childcare facilities I have ever worked, the Barbies are almost always mangled, some beyond repair. There’s just something about Barbie dolls that make you want to…

LibreCalc, The 3D Printed Linux Calculator

I use the calculator function on my smart phone to figure out bill payments or anticipate paycheck amounts, mainly. But there was a time, years ago, when I did use…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — January 10

This week it was especially difficult to keep up with all the news since we participated in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Given that the CES…

Introducing Dr. Recare — Spring Break Beach Clean-Up Work Covered by 3D Printing Robots?

I frequent the famous white-sanded and turquoise-watered beaches of the Florida panhandle. And, as much as we say it over and over, it IS infuriating to see trash on the…

Poland’s CD3D Holds First 3D Printing Industry Awards: Zortax and TierTime Take Top Awards

At a recent Polish 3D printing trade show, 3D printer maker, MonkeyFab, unveiled a printed 5 foot tall national Polish eagle emblem that announced both 3D printing’s growing influence in…

Dizingof’s Random Infinite Pattern and Klein Bottle Highlight 3D Printing’s Creative Explosion

Does anyone know any artists not hip to the 3D printing scene yet?  I do.  Several, in fact.  I just love getting to be the one to describe to an…

Joy Complex’s 3D Printed Modūlus Ring Collection Offers Constant Variation

It’s no mistake that the ring is the most common piece of jewelry people use to commemorate special occasions like weddings and graduations.  It sits on your finger, reminding you,…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — December 20

It’s the end of another week, which means it’s also time to catch our readers up on stories we didn’t cover last week. As always, last week’s 3D printing news…

Charleston, WV’s 3D Printed Holiday Ornaments Raise Awareness About Local Charities and 3D Printing

  Charleston, West Virginia has an interesting history caught up in the throes of the Civil War and its aftermath.  And it looks like it has a brighter economic future…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week – Dec. 14th

In any emerging industry as transformative as 3D printing, the news just keeps rolling in and getting more exciting. Here at 3Dprint.com we do our best to keep our readers up to…

Mountain Shapes’ 3D Printed Models Capture Majestic Peaks of the UK

As a child, I was fortunate to take annual trips to the Colorado Rocky Mountains in the winters to ski or the summers to enjoy the crisper weather. Being around…

3D Printing Technology Helps Disney Research Design Realistic Human Eye Model

There’s an old saying that the eyes are the “windows to the soul” because they are very individuated and play a big part in establishing our unique appearances. Not only…

3D Printed “Fishing Lights” Provide Bright Solution for Crammed NYC Dwelling

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to live in New York City, you are lucky.  Once you’ve exhausted yourself from the day’s work, as you face off the crowds in…

3D Printed DATA-MASKS Challenge Social Media Surveillance Technologies

“Computer systems built to represent human identities have contained with them many ontological assumptions about what it is to be an individual and what personal identity is. These systems define…

The Award Goes to MakerBot’s 3D Printed Award for Pocket-lint

When I was in high school, I held on to my tennis trophies, spelling bee plaques, and academic achievement certificates by ceremoniously stuffing them all into a bedroom bookshelf —…

It’s Time to Recycle that PlayStation Console Into a Wall Clock, Using 3D Printed Parts

It’s always depressing to hear that, according to the Electronic Take Back Coalition, around 70% of our used electronics end up in a trash can, and eventually a landfill.  Why…

Make a Rainbow with Artesea’s New 3D Printer Filament Splicer

One of the exciting things about 3D printing is its unlimited design potential, so why be limited when it comes to color?  Not to worry, while monochrome has been the…

3D Printed Beer Locks, The Gift that Keeps on Keeping

You’ve heard about home brewing your own beer, but with so many different different micro-brewed beers available–sometimes the trouble doesn’t seem worth it.  But what do you do about making…

3D Printing Aids in the Completion of Two Spinal Surgeries in the U.S. Thanks to Medacta USA

 On November 25, 2014, Medacta USA, a subsidiary of Medacta International, announced that two U.S. surgeons have completed the first 3D reconstruction and 3D printing technology aided spinal surgeries.  The…