Team Shining 3D


Hearing Beyond: The Digital Approach to Same-day Custom Ear Molds

This case study is brought to you courtesy of Hearing Beyond and Frank Talarico, MCISc Frank Talarico owns and practices at the Hearing Beyond Audiology and Hearing Clinic in Toronto,…


Sculpture Design: Bringing Prehistoric Beasts to the 21st Century With a Fusion of Art and Science

From a very young age Konstantinos Fais had two passions: Art and History. Born and grown up in the city of Ioannina in northern Greece, he started the thorough study…


The Boat Builder, the EinScan H and Fusion 360: Craftsmanship Meets Technology

From the heart of the UK to the sea The Cotswolds, a region located in the heart of the UK is not where one might expect to find a boat…


How 3D Scanning Helps the Fire Brigade: Customization of a Rosenbauer Firetruck with EinScan Pro HD

Rosenbauer is the world’s leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection. The company develops and produces vehicles, fire extinguishing systems, equipment and digital solutions for professional, industrial, plant…


How to Effectively Master Large Size Aluminum Mold Measuring

With the rapid development and tremendous technical progress made across industries in the past decade, the structural design of products has become more complex and there has been an unseen…


Designing a Custom Motorcycle with EinScan Pro 2X Plus

Art, culture and the craft of metal: Bryan Fuller´s automotive and motorcycle design and customization shop Fuller Moto inspires, educates and entertains those with a creative spirit and a do-it-yourself…


SHINING 3D is using 3D Scanning and 3D Printing Technologies to support the allocation of much-needed medical equipment in the fight against Covid-19

SHINING 3D, the whole solution provider from 3D Scanning, through Intelligent Design, to Additive Manufacturing is using its newest technologies to support humankind in the battle against the pandemic. As…


Customized Prosthetics Shell by 3D Scanning and Printing

Reverse Designed Prosthetic Limbs by Using the EinScan 3D Scanners In the world of 3D scanning and 3D printing, reverse engineering is the most commonly used application across multiple industries….