Michelle Matisons
3Doodler Artist Profile: Esra Oguz’s Doodled Designs Prove That Practice Makes Perfect
Esra Oguz first started 3Doodling when her cousin handed her a 3Doodler pen in Dubai in late 2013. At first, she had a difficult time grasping the concept of “how…
Alder Hey Is First UK Hospital to Use 3D Printed Model in Operating Theatre
The UK’s Alder Hey Charity Hospital has recently raised a whopping £620,000 for its state of the art Research, Education, and Innovation Centre. This Centre, which opened in October 2015 and is…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — March 19
This week’s 3D printing stories includes news from Asia, where South Korea plans a first of its kind metal 3D printing facility, while the Thailand government has started regulating 3D printing due…
Open Source Hovalin Violin is 3D Printed in Wood PLA with More Upgrades to Come!
It wasn’t too long ago that we reported here on a husband and wife team that added to the growing list of 3D printed musical instruments with their own contribution:…
3Doodler Artist Profile: Erica Gray’s Futuristic ‘Forms Organic’
If you are like me and have a fascination with all things 3Doodler and 3D printed fashion in equal measures, then you may have already caught the amazing 3Doodled fashion…
DCT’s 3D Printed Fine Jewelry Cross-Pollinates Architecture and Natural Forms
3D printed jewelry is growing as a design concept primarily because the designers seem to have such a stimulating time creating original pieces. Take Canadian jewelry designers Daniel Christian Tang (DCT) as…
Wevolver Captures SXSW Interactive Innovation Award in 3-DIY Category
Some say it has grown into a sellout bastion of hipster capitalism, while others say it is one of the best cultural weathervanes for determining our latest trends in all…
LulzBot TAZ 3D Printers Prototype Verterra Energy’s Intelligent Hydropower Turbine
Minneapolis, Minnesota is home to an innovative company that is getting some attention on a matter that should be near and dear to the hearts of anyone concerned with climate…
MyMiniFactory Rolls Out Springtime 3D Design Competitions: Smartwatches, PlayStation, Jewellery and More!
Spring is arriving, Daylight Savings is already here, and you may find yourself getting that old spring back into your step — feeling ready for anything. Well, for all the…
Squeeze (And Hammer) Your Own 3D Printed Donald Trump Stress Ball
There are many different views circulating about US presidential contender and real estate mogul Donald Trump, who seeks the Republican Party nomination for the upcoming 2016 presidential election in November. You may see…
Sculpteo Answers Everything You Always Wanted to Know about 3D Printing Gear Sets!
If you are into developing complex mechanical systems, then you already know that it can be quite a challenge to design working gear sets. Maybe you were lucky to receive…
You Can Integrate 3D Printing into Every Company Department
As 3D printing grows, more businesses have expressed an interest in integrating the technology into their operations. But, if you don’t directly work in a business environment that needs to…
3D Print a Ghost Trap Inspired by the Original 1984 “Ghostbusters” Movie
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe in ghosts and those who don’t. People who believe in ghosts usually do so because they claim they…
This 3D Printed Mazda Miata Engine Modification Adds Quick Power Without Breaking the Bank
There is much evidence about how functional and convenient 3D printing can be. Businesses and individuals constantly report that they are using the technology to reproduce or improve small to large replacement parts,…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — March 12
In this week’s 3D printing news, we see that change is in the air — as always. Shapeways has just added a new coating that will make your 3D scanned and printed selfies…
Sculpteo Offers Sound Wall Thickness-Related Advice for 3D Printing
I have said it here before and I will say it again: wall thickness is one of the most important things to get right when you are preparing to 3D…
Jaipur-Based Aha 3D Innovations’ Huge ProtoCentre 1M 3D Printer Gains in Popularity
The initiative “Make in India” is just what it sounds like: it’s the Indian government’s attempt to encourage national and multinational companies to manufacture products in the country and help grow…
Stratasys Collaborates with Designer Boaz Dekel to Transform 3D Printed Stereo Speaker Acoustics
Good news for you music lovers who get frustrated by the back wave distortion caused by longstanding speaker design. There’s a new design in town from Boaz Dekel, a graduate…
A (Cheap) 3D Printed Ring Can be Engaging: Christian Genco Would Know!
When Christian Genco proposed to his future wife, Elisa, he knew about 3D printing technologies, but he went one step further. He decided that it would be just as cool,…
Iowa State University Attains 3D Systems ProX 300 3D Printer Amidst Statewide Campus Tech Growth
As a former college professor at a California State University campus a decade ago, I wonder how it would have felt hearing students and colleagues talk about what they are…
Sculpteo’s New Platform Allows Its Website Features to Be Easily Integrated With Your Website
Let’s talk user-friendly coding for a moment, shall we? An Application Programming Interface (API) refers to a software-to-software interface (not a user interface) that allow applications to connect without user knowledge…
Enjoy the Ride with Printrbot’s 3D Printed and Programmed OpenSkate Long Board
If you haven’t seen the show All-American Makers on the Discovery Science Channel then maybe you haven’t been introduced to Printrbot and its founder Brook Drumm. Drumm is one a…
Stratasys Part of New CYBER Team for 3D Printed Orthotic Devices Targeting Veterans
Orthotics are devices used to support weakened body parts due to a variety of medical conditions. These conditions include foot drop, osteoarthritis, nerve damage from a stroke, joint deformity, Multiple Sclerosis,…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — March 5
In this week’s news, Poland’s Materialise office has been voted Best Polish Service Company for 2015 by CD3D after receiving several other recent awards as well. Also, a man reported on…