I hope your calendar is clear, because there are lots of 3D printing webinars and events to attend this week! America Makes will hold its MMX event and Markforged has multiple open houses, while both Stratasys and Velo3D continue their tours. Webinars will cover topics including automated resin removal, 3D printed insoles, large-format pellet extrusion, dental 3D printing, and more. Read on for all the details!
3D Printing News Unpeeled
Our Executive Editor Joris Peels, who’s also the Vice President of Consulting at SmarTech Analysis, offers a news livestream one to two times a week called 3D Printing News Unpeeled at 9:30 am EST. For each episode, Peels gets on LinkedIn Live and tells us, in 20 minutes or less, what he considers to be the top news stories from the 3D printing industry that week, and why they’re important. Some of the stories in his roundup are ones we’ve covered at 3DPrint.com, and some are not, but they are all equally interesting and impactful.
August 14 – 16: Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
In Austin, Texas from August 14-16, the 34th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference will take place, with a pre-conference social event on the evening of the 13th. Topic areas that will be presented run the gamut from biomedical, topology optimization, and metals and composites materials to physical modeling, data analytics, wire-fed DED and binder jetting, and more. There will also be an awards banquet, conference lunch, AM research panel, and more.
“The meeting is scheduled to run three full days, starting approximately 8:00 a.m. on Monday and ending approximately 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday.”
You can register for the symposium here.
August 15 – 16: America Makes MMX
America Makes will hold its annual Members Meeting & Exchange (MMX) event in Youngstown, Ohio from August 15-16, bringing the AM community together for high-level presentations and conversations, plus plenty of networking. The goal is to encourage collaboration, unite the industry, and continue building toward a more competitive American AM industrial base through strategic, thought-provoking content and discussions. Academia, industry, government, and economic development agencies are encouraged to attend this member-centric event. 3DPrint.com is proud to be a media sponsor for MMX 2023, and you can find me at the event!
“MMX focuses on the state of the industry and where it is headed. The goal of MMX is to unite the community, encourage collaboration and build a comprehensive and globally competitive American additive manufacturing (AM) ecosystem.”
You can register for MMX 2023 here.
August 15 – 18: The Experience Stratasys Tour Continues
The Experience Stratasys Tour is taking its mobile showroom across the U.S. and giving designers, educators, and manufacturers a convenient way to see the company’s latest materials, 3D printers, and solutions. The truck heads out to California this week, stopping first in Santa Clara on Tuesday the 15th at K1 Speed, hosted by Purple Platypus, and then on to Lucid Motors in Newark on the 16th, hosted first by Stratasys Direct and second by H2i. On Thursday the 17th, the tour goes to Topgolf in Roseville, hosted by GoEngineer, and finishes out the week at Topgolf in San Jose, hosted again by GoEngineer, on the 18th.
“Speak with 3D printing experts from Stratasys and our partners to find out how your organization can benefit from 3D printing – whether it’s bringing a printer in-house or utilizing additive manufacturing services from Stratasys Direct. Let us show you how Stratasys is leading the global shift to additive manufacturing with innovative 3D printing solutions for aerospace, automotive, consumer products and healthcare.”
You can register for the Stratasys Experience Tour here. Stay tuned for more dates and locations in the future!
August 15 & 18: AWP & Markforged Demo Days
Speaking of California, Markforged continues its Demo Day open house events at Advanced World Products (AWP) in Fremont on the 15th and 18th this week. The free events feature Markforged’s large-format FX20 carbon fiber composite 3D printer, and there will be demonstrations of this printer, along with Smooth TPU 95A flexible filament, the Metal X, X3, X7, Mark Two, and Onyx One printers, and new Metal X updates, including 17-4 Fine Features. Visitors will also hear about tips for identifying 3D printing opportunities, and customer applications that prove the ROI of these systems. Attendees will also receive a Markforged t-shirt.
“Experience the NEW Markforged FX20 Carbon Fiber/Ultem 9085 Composite 3D Printer in action at the AWP/Markforged Open House and learn how quick and cost-effective parts can be designed and fabricated for manufacturing.”
There are one-hour time slots available from 8 am until 4 pm PT, and you can register for your preferred day and time slot here. One registered person can bring up to five guests with them.
August 15: Automated Resin Removal with PostProcess Technologies
On Tuesday the 15th, PostProcess Technologies will offer another one of its How it Works webinars on “Automated Resin Removal” at 10 am EST. Attendees will learn all about, and see a demo of, the company’s automated SLA resin removal solutions running on its proprietary AUTOMAT3D platform. Plus, they can engage in real-time Q&A as well.
“Conducted by one of our post-processing experts broadcasting from our lab, you will get a close-up view of how software, hardware, and chemistry work together for transformative end part results.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 15: Hawk Ridge Systems Open House
Hawk Ridge Systems will hold another live 3D printing event, but this one will be Cincinnati, Ohio from 11 am to 3 pm EST on the 15th. Attendees will be able to see and hear about the latest AM releases from Markforged and HP, learn more about the company’s new partner Formlabs, see live 3D scanning demos from Creaform and Artec 3D, and meet additive manufacturing experts. The event hosts from Hawk Ridge Systems will be 3D Printing Sales Reps Vu Mai and Alec Markling and Application Engineer Kainon Irons.
“You know how impactful additive manufacturing can be, but you also know there is no one turnkey solution that can transform all businesses. This is why Hawk Ridge Systems has an expansive portfolio to accommodate a variety of manufacturing challenges. Join our additive experts at our Digital Manufacturing Lab and learn what your unique strategy could look like.”
You can register for the open house event here.
August 15: ASME on Evolve’s STEP AM Technology
Also on the 15th, at 2 pm EST, ASME will hold a Mechanical Engineering webinar on “Evolve Additive Solutions – STEP Technology, The Newest AM Category.” Stratasys spinout Evolve is bringing its patented STEP (Selective Thermoplastic Electrophotographic Process) technology to market. This process can provide additive design flexibility with injection molding quality and material properties, and attendees will learn all about STEP, its ideal applications, how it can transform the production process product development life cycle, the future of STEP, and more from presenter James Grimm, Evolve’s Director of Business Development.
“Imagine producing products that are not limited to the rules of injection molding. Now you can with Evolve’s patented STEP (selective thermoplastic electrophotographic process). STEP is the first AM technology to enter the market and own its own production method category. You can now innovate your end-use product process from development to manufacturing. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer in the digitization of manufacturing the reality of your world is changing. Competitors are moving faster, supply chain models are transforming, and consumers are rewarding brands that give them fast, affordable access to mass customized offerings.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 16: 3D Printing Insoles with Formlabs Fuse 1+ 30W
On Wednesday, August 16th, at 11 am EST, Formlabs will hold its first webinar of the week, “Revolutionize Your Insole Production With Formlabs Fuse 1+ 30W.” Featuring Gaurav Manchanda, Director, Medical Market Development for Formlabs, the webinar will explain how to save time and money, while still increasing insole production, with the Formlabs Fuse 1+ 30W and Nylon 11 powder. Attendees will learn the benefits of a digital workflow for producing insole shells, associated scan and design workflows, how Nylon 11 powder performed in independent testing, success stories, and more.
“From grinding to milling, personalized insole production has traditionally been a labor-intensive process characterized by a lot of material waste. Many larger, high-volume insole production operations have already made the transition to digital manufacturing, but the historically high cost of industrial 3D printing has made that transition difficult for small to medium-sized insole companies and podiatry labs.
“With the lowest CapEx in the industry, Formlabs Fuse 1+ 30W is the perfect solution to begin transitioning to digital manufacturing at a fraction of the cost. This compact, yet powerful technology was designed to fit into any workspace without worrying about special ventilation or power requirements. Best of all, you won’t need any specialized training and can begin running your first production within 24 hours of installation. It really is that easy.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 16: Optimizing Dental Labs with Stratasys 3D Printing
In its first webinar of the week, Stratasys will discuss “Mastering the Challenge of Digital Dentures, Multi-Material Printing and More” at 4 pm EST (3 pm CDT) on the 16th. Attendees will learn how to leverage multi-material 3D printing in order to optimize resources, precision, and aesthetics in the dental laboratory, while earning 1 CE credit. Speakers Tra’ Chambers, Owner at Express Dental Laboratory, and Adrienne Slevin, Dental Sales Enablement Lead for Stratasys, will discuss the main advantages of multi-material 3D printing, including faster turnaround time, and provide an overview of TrueDent, along with real-world cases.
“As technology continues to advance, the field of dentistry is no exception to the rapid evolution. One of the groundbreaking advancements that have revolutionized the industry is multi-material 3D printing technology. This technology has opened up a plethora of possibilities for dental laboratories, offering benefits such as unparalleled production flexibility for biocompatible applications and TrueDent digital dentures.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 17 – 18: Global Webinar on 3D Printing & AM
From August 17th through the 18th, the Global Scientific Guild will hold its 5th Global Webinar on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. With a theme of “Insights and Innovations in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Progressing to the Future,” the webinar is chaired by Prof. Dr. Yung-Kang Shen of Taipei Medical University and co-chaired by Chris Harris, Vice President of Defense of the Americas for SPEE3D USA. This will be a great opportunity to exchange information and improve the collaboration between professors, researchers, and directors in academia and industry, with presentations and discussions on recent advancements and new strategies in 3D printing and AM.
“This is a two day event which includes Keynote sessions, Oral Presentations, Poster presentations, Students Forums and Exhibitions. With one single registration you will get access to all sessions.
All the registered participants will be provided with certificate for participation & presentation and abstract book of all accepted Abstracts.”
You can register for the two-day webinar here.
August 17: Würth Additive Group Demo Days
Würth Additive Group continues its 3D Printers in the Wild events in Greenwood, Indiana on the 17th. This exclusive event series, taking place at a number of key locations across the U.S., will showcase the power of industrial 3D printing. Each one will cover 3D scanning and making digital models, workflows and software of reverse engineering, a diverse array of materials, digital inventory solutions, and automated post-processing equipment. Plus, if you have a challenge for the team, you can either send your STL file or CAD design early, or bring your part to the event.
“Industrial 3D Printing ain’t easy, but we take a comprehensive approach to simplify it for everyone. Come learn how to make a digital model of a physical part and print it on demand.”
You can register for the event here.
August 17: Large-Format Pellet Extrusion with 3D Systems
In a webinar sponsored by AM Chronicle, 3D Systems will answer the question “How will large format pellet extrusion 3D printing change your production process?” The webinar, at 7:30 am EST on the 17th, will feature 3D Systems experts as they explain their large-format EXT Titan Pellet series industrial 3D printers to attendees. With multiple toolhead options, including a filament extruder and milling spindle for hybrid manufacturing, the system has build volumes up to 1270 x 1270 x 1829 mm, actively heated build chambers, industrial CNC motion control, and servos on all axes to enable printing with a variety of pellet materials, from PLA, ABS, and PETG to Nylon, ULTEM, and PEKK.
“Pellet extrusion 3D printing enables up to 10X speed increase and 10X reduction in material costs compared to printing with filament. This transformational technology is saving innovative companies significant time and money by supplanting traditional production methods. From sandcasting patterns, to thermoforming molds, to end-use parts, large-format pellet-extrusion 3D printing is rapidly gaining traction in multiple industries.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 17: Appetite for Additive with Markforged & CREAT3D
Markforged and CREAT3D will host another “Appetite for Additive” workshop in the U.K. on Thursday, August 17th. Attendees can feed their minds, and their stomachs, at this dedicated session in Wokingham, Berkshire, learning about Markforged’s industrial, metal, and composite 3D printers and various advanced uses and applications. They can also get free DfAM advice to optimize their functional part designs for Markforged printers, explore Markforged Digital Forge software, and more. The short session will be served over breakfast from 9:30-10:30 am BST.
“Come to one of our Appetite for Additive events to find out more about the Markforged product line and how we’re helping to bring industrial production to the point of need; from tooling to manufacturing aids, through to end-use parts.”
You can get tickets for the workshop here.
August 17: 3D Printed End-Use Parts with Formlabs
Formlabs will hold its second webinar of the week, “Custom Manufacturing and Low Volume Production with 3D Printed End-Use Parts,” at 11 am EST on the 17th. Over the past decade, the technology has continued to develop and grow into a more capable manufacturing tool, allowing for the fast, cost-efficient creation of both low volume and custom end-use parts. Attendees will learn how 3D printing enables on-demand production, the results of longevity and stress testing of 3D printed end-use parts, step-by-step workflows and recommendations, and more from Formlabs speakers Juliette Combe, Application Engineer, and Chris Lee, Sales Engineer.
“Join this webinar to learn how to manufacture strong, long-lasting end-use parts on demand with 3D printing. Formlabs experts will guide you through the workflow, share recommendations and delve into real-life examples from innovative companies.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 17: Markforged & 3DOLOGiE Lunch & Learn
From 11:30 am until 2:30 pm EST on the 17th, Markforged will hold an exclusive Lunch & Learn at the 3DOLOGiE showroom in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In addition to lunch, attendees will enjoy a presentation about the Markforged platform, live demos of Markforged 3D printers, 3D printed sample parts, and a discussion about optimal manufacturing applications for your industry.
“Check out of your office for lunch and join us for a hands-on lunch and learning session to find out more about the Markforged product line and how they’re helping to bring industrial production to the point of need.”
You can reserve your free spot here.
August 17: Post-Processing 3D Printed Aerospace Parts
Stratasys holds its second webinar of the week, “3D-Printed Aerospace Parts: Bringing Behind the Scenes Parts into the Spotlight,” at 12 pm EST on Thursday the 17th. Speakers Kevin Sheehy, Manufacturing Engineer for Stratasys Direct, and Lester Hitch, Sr. Application Engineer for DyeMansion, will present findings from an in-depth analysis on how post-processing techniques, like vapor smoothing, can benefit 3D printed aerospace parts. Topics will include the two common aerospace materials that were 3D printed, post-processed, and tested for the study, how post-processing improved the performance and aesthetics of the parts without expensive manual finishing, and more.
“The aerospace industry has led adoption of 3D printing technology for both prototyping and production applications. Yet despite the capability of manufacturing production-ready parts, a significant portion of aerospace-related additive manufacturing (AM) projects are limited to behind-the-scenes applications, such as ducting, connectors, conduits, and similar components.”
You can register for the webinar here.
August 17: Velo3D Continues Roadshow in Long Beach, CA
After a brief break, Velo3D continues its “The Proof is in the Printing” roadshow this week with a stop in Long Beach, California on Thursday, August 17th, from 12:30 to 4:30 pm PT. The tour, which will make stops in other cities across Europe, the U.S., and the Asia/Pacific region, will show attendees how Velo3D’s fully integrated solution can help achieve better part performance, supply chain flexibility, and repeatability. There will also be real-world examples of customer-printed parts, several experts to answer all of your questions, refreshments, and networking. Plus, the fun continues with a happy hour event from 5 to 8 pm PT.
“If you have struggled with production of high-quality, metal AM parts, our “Proof is in the Printing” roadshow is the perfect opportunity to speak with our team and learn how to overcome those challenges. Hear from Velo3D engineers as they share their experience in scaling up metal additive applications.”
You can register for the Long Beach stop here. Stay tuned for future dates and locations!
August 17: SprintRay’s Dental 3D Printing 101
The final webinar next week is “Dental 3D Printing 101,” a CE offering from SprintRay at 7 pm EST on Thursday, August 17th. Dr. Storm Hagen will explain to attendees how 3D printing is transforming dentistry, how easy it is to get started with in-office dental printing, and how it can streamline the workflows in your practice. Learning objectives include an overview of the digital scan-to-print workflow for in-office dental 3D printing, a basic understanding of 3D printing materials and available design services, and more. Plus, attendees will receive 1 CE credit.
“Learn how to implement efficient digital dental workflows and deliver quality dental appliances in-office and same-day. Save time for your practice and patients while reducing production costs.”
You can register for the webinar here.
September 20: 3DPrint.com & EOS Present DIGITAL FOAM
We’re getting this on your radar early: at 10 am EST on September 20th, EOS and 3DPrint.com will present a webinar on “DIGITAL FOAM: The Key Player in Polymer 3D Printing Customization.” In a discussion moderated by Executive Editor Joris Peels, SmarTech Analysis VP Consulting, some of the top questions related to the DIGITAL FOAM platform will be discussed by Dr. David Krzeminski, EOS North America Senior Additive Minds Consultant; Caleb Ferrell, Advanced Laser Materials (ALM) General Manager & EOS North America Operations Manager; and Jon Walker, EOS North America Government Relations & Key Account Manager.
“Register to attend the webinar and listen in as EOS experts review the current polymer AM landscape, discuss future advancements of DIGITAL FOAM®, and highlight real-world DIGITAL FOAM® application examples. Learn more about how DIGITAL FOAM® can revolutionize the way you look at manufacturing customization and the possibilities that can come from leveraging polymer 3D printing.”
You can register for the webinar here.
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