The US Air Force: Kings of 3D Printing
The US Air Force is currently one of the largest funding bodies in 3D printing. The amount of work that the Air Force is doing in 3D printing is simply…
YSU Becomes Second US University with All Seven Major Forms of Additive Manufacturing
In Northeast Ohio, an additive manufacturing cluster is growing, with Youngstown at the heart of it. Organizations such as America Makes and the Youngstown Business Incubator are leading the charge, and…
America Makes Announces $10 Million Research Project for Refining the Efficiency of Air Force Aircraft Part Replacement
From a press conference held at Youngstown State University (YSU), America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, announced a new Directed Project Opportunity to improve US Air Force sustainment…
Youngstown State University Opens Center for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing
Youngstown State University has officially opened their Center for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing at the YSU College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It features two 3D printers which were…