world’s largest 3d printer
$5M Navy Contract Goes to UMaine and Navatek to Advance Maritime 3D Printing
The University of Maine’s (UMaine) Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC) has achieved world records in 3D printing over the last year, and has been an example of how successful…
University of Maine’s Composites Center: Researchers Awarded Three Guinness World Records in 3D Printing
3D printing has been described in many elevated terms, from magical to miraculous—and while users around the world are indeed enamored, it is certainly news to find that they are…
WASP Unveils the World’s Largest Delta 3D Printer – 12 Meters Tall & Set to Print Houses
Over the past couple of years, we have seen our fair share of mammoth sized 3D printers, but perhaps none quite as intriguing as the one which WASP plans to…
Chinese Create Huge 40×40 Foot Graphene / Fiberglass 3D Printer – Planning on Constructing Homes
“Bigger is better,” as the old adage goes. When it comes to a juicy steak, or a diamond ring, these words always hold true. When it comes to 3D printing, however, there…