women in tech

Inside 3D Printing: Diversity Panel Shines a Needed Light on Disparity in Technology

One panel I had been anticipating ahead of Inside 3D Printing San Diego this week was Thursday afternoon’s panel on diversity, set to examine an important issue that is often…

3D Printing While Female

I’ve been debating whether to write this article, because while reporting on some facets of an industry can be straightforward, not all are. At the heart of the 3D printing…

3D Printing and Diversity: It’s Time to Start Taking It Seriously

Because most of the quickly growing companies and startups that tend to dominate it emerged from the maker community, the 3D printing industry often seems to find itself a little…

On the 30th Anniversary of the Challenger Disaster, Four Women in Science Honor the Legacy of the Crew

Thirty years ago today, the Space Shuttle Challenger lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. 73 seconds later, it broke apart in midair, leading to the deaths of all seven of…