six axis
Aussie Transport Companies Adopt Cold Spray Metal 3D Printing
Titomic (ASX: TTT) has previously sold its Kinetic Fusion technology to the marine, defense, and aerospace sectors for a variety of applications, including drones. Now, the Aussie company reports that…
Today in Bioprinting: A Dog Tests Out 3D Printed Bone Treatment for Landmine Survivors and a Bioprinter Operates on a Six-Axis Robot
In December, the University of Glasgow received £2.8 million from Find a Better Way, a charity set up to help survivors of landmine blasts. The funding was granted to the university…
Roboteurs Remix a 3D Printed Six-Axis Robot
Roboteurs is a startup that specializes in robots and robotic components for education. They sell kits with electronics so teachers and kids can do fun educational projects with them. The…