
Tokyo Researchers Demonstrate Unaided Self-Folding 4D Printed Origami

A group from The University of Tokyo’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems recently published an article about their method to 4D print high resolution self-folding origami structures. Their…

University of Leeds: 3D Printing Folding Robots Inspired by Origami

Akeel Abtan recently submitted a PhD thesis, ‘Design and Fabrication of Origami Elements for use in a Folding Robot Structure,’ to the University of Leeds (Institute of Design, Robotics and…

TU Delft: Researchers 3D Printing Minimal Surface Structures Inspired by Origami

Although Japan is famous for their creations in origami, the craft is appreciated around the world, and recently by TU Delft researchers in the Netherlands who sought to understand more…

Research Team Takes Advantage of Common FFF 3D Printing Defect to 4D Print Plastic Self-Folding Objects

A lot of research has been undertaken regarding 3D printed self-folding structures and 3D printed items that can self-assemble, but a team from Carnegie Mellon University is changing things up in the…

Earwig Wings Inspire Researchers to 3D Print Multimaterial, Self-Folding Origami Elements

Many scientists have been inspired by wings, be they bat, bird, or butterfly, in their 3D printing research projects. A team of researchers from ETH Zurich and Purdue University have…

Researchers Inspired by Origami to Develop 3D Printing Alternative to Building Lattice Structures

3D printing technology is often combined with the principles of origami to fabricate things like face masks, robots, and self-folding electronics. Notably, researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in…

TU Delft Researchers 3D Print “Some of the Most Complex Shape-Shifting Ever Reported” with Ultimaker 3D Printer and PLA

IKEA furniture is, for the most part, pretty easy to assemble. But it could be easier – imagine ordering flat-packed furniture from a place like IKEA, opening it, and watching…

MIT CSAIL Researchers Develop 3D Printable Structures That Fold Themselves

Frequently, when we hear about self-folding 3D printable structures, they’re based on origami. But researchers from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have built a self-folding printable…

Researchers Use PowerPoint Slide and LED Projector to Create Self-Folding 3D Origami Structures

I remember learning about Microsoft PowerPoint for the first time when I was in junior high, and since then I have used the program often; little did I know that a…