self-assembling technology
New 3D Printable Polymer Has Human-Tissue-Like Properties
A team working out of University of California at Santa Barbara has found a way to 3D print with so-called “bottlebrush” elastomers, or molecules with long “backbones” of polymers with…
Researchers Create Dynamic Self-Assembly Process for Building Mobile Micromachines
A micromachine has the potential to maniupulate and probe the microscopic world, and can be made up of multiple chemistries, materials, or parts in order to address different functions, such…
Update On Made In Space’s 3D Printed Asteroid Spacecraft Research
California 3D printing and space technology firm Made In Space is responsible for such out of this world innovations as the first commercial 3D printer on the International Space Station, the multi-armed…
Research Team Takes Advantage of Common FFF 3D Printing Defect to 4D Print Plastic Self-Folding Objects
A lot of research has been undertaken regarding 3D printed self-folding structures and 3D printed items that can self-assemble, but a team from Carnegie Mellon University is changing things up in the…
Powerful New 4D Printer Speeds Next-Generation, Next-Dimension 3D Printing
3D printed objects that can move and change shape are technically 4D printed – the fourth dimension comes in the object’s ability to change shape when exposed to environmental stimuli…
QMUL Researchers Use Inkjet 3D Printing and Self-Assembly Technologies to Create Constructs Using Cells and Molecules
Typically when we hear about self-assembling technology in the 3D printing world, it’s usually referring to robots or pieces of furniture that can build themselves. But researchers from Queen Mary University…
MIT Self-Assembly Lab: Might Your 4D Smartphone One Day Build Itself?
One must wonder what Alexander Graham Bell would think today. While he was credited with the invention of the telephone, it’s hard to decide who to give credit to first…