
Researchers Use Microstereolithography 3D Printers to Print Objects 400X’s Stronger Than Current Standards

When it comes to 3D printing, most people visualize the process on a macro scale, a scale which can be observed with the human eye. Critics of 3D printing argue…

Researches Find Way to 3D Print Blood Vessels – Could lead to transplatable tissue

The field of medical science has been advancing at an extraordinary rate over the past decade or so, thanks in part to the advancement in technology. One of these ‘up-and-coming’…

Scientists 3D Print Shark Skin: May lead to technologically advanced boat propellers & more

When it comes to innovation, some of the most technologically advanced objects still belong to nature. Over the centuries, many inventions have come about, by observing nature in its finest…

Researchers Inspired by Human Bones, 3D Print Extremely Light, Strong Structures

Scientists often look towards biology, when they set out to find the most efficient way of doing something. Whether it’s photosynthesis as a means for energy conversion, or the human…